Aleksander P.J. Ellis
Stephen P. Robbins Chair in Organizational Behavior
Research Director, Center for Leadership Ethics

McClelland Hall 405PP
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Counterproductive behavior, specifically unethical and deviant behavior in the workplace
Human resource management issues, including turnover and performance appraisal
The behavior of groups and teams in organizations
Aleksander Ellis joined the Eller College of Management in 2003 and was appointed the Stephen P. Robbins Chair in Organizational Behavior in 2015. He earned his PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Michigan State University in 2003. His research focuses on the behavior of groups and teams in organizations, counterproductive behavior—specifically unethical and deviant behavior in the workplace—and human resource management issues, including turnover and performance appraisal.
- MGMT 501 Leadership in Organizations
- MGMT 615/616 Introduction to OB
- MGMT 675/676 Psychology of Groups at Work
- MGMT 520 Managing Ethics in Organizations
- MGMT 524 Groups and Teams
Publications and Working Papers
Selected Publications
- Ellis, A.P.J, Porter, C.O.L.H., & Mai, M.K. (2022). The impact of supervisor-employee self-protective implicit voice theory alignment. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95, 155-183.
- Motro, D., Evans, J.B., Ellis, A.P.J., & Benson III, L. (2022). Race and reactions to women’s expressions of anger at work: Examining the effects of the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, 142-152.
- Spoelma, T.M., Chawla, N., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2021). If you can’t join ‘em, report ‘em: A model of ostracism and whistleblowing in teams. Journal of Business Ethics, 173, 345-363.
- Motro, D., Spoelma, T.M., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2021). Incivility and creativity in teams: Examining the role of perpetrator gender. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 560-581.
- Welsh, D.T., Mai, K.M., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2020). How perpetrator gender influences reactions to premeditated versus impulsive unethical behavior: A role congruity approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 166, 489-503.
- Motro, D., Gabriel, A.S., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2019). Examining the effects of menstruation on women’s helping behavior in the workplace. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92, 695-706.
- Evans, J.B., Slaughter, J.E., Ellis, A.P.J., & Riven, J.M. (2019). Gender and the evaluation of humor at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104, 1077-1087.
- Welsh, D.T., Mai, K.M., Ellis, A.P.J., & Christian, M.S. (2018). Overcoming the effects of sleep deprivation on unethical behavior: An extension of integrated self-control theory. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 142-154.
- Spoelma, T.M., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2017). Fuse or fracture? Threat as a moderator of the effects of diversity faultlines in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 1344-1359.
- Motro, D., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2017). Boys, don’t cry: Gender and reactions to negative performance feedback. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 227-235.
- Mai, K.M., Ellis, A.P.J., Christian, J.S., & Porter, C.O.L.H (2016). Examining the effects of turnover intentions on OCBs and deviance behavior: A psychological contract approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 1067-1081.
- Mai, K.M., Ellis, A.P.J., & Welsh, D.T. (2015). The grey side of creativity: Exploring the role of activation in the link between creative personality and unethical behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 60, 76-85.
- Welsh, D.T., Ellis, A.P.J., Mai, K.M., & Christian, M.S. (2014). Building a self-regulatory model of sleep deprivation and deception: The role of conformity and caffeine. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 1268-1277.
- Christian, J.S., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2014). The crucial role of turnover intentions in transforming moral disengagement into deviant behavior at work. Journal of Business Ethics, 119, 193-208.
- Christian, J.S., Pearsall, M.J., Christian, M.S., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2014). Exploring the benefits and boundaries of transactive memory systems in adapting to team member loss. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 18, 69-86.
- Ellis, A.P.J., Mai, K.M., & Christian, J.S. (2013). Examining the asymmetrical effects of goal faultlines in groups: A categorization-elaboration approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(6), 948-961.
- Christian, J.S., Christian, M.S., Garza, A.S., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2012). Examining retaliatory responses to justice violations and recovery attempts in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(6), 1218-1232.
- Conlon, D.E., Tinsley, C.H., Birk, S.J., Humphrey, S.E., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2012). Is it sometimes better to receive than to give? Preferences for receiver roles over proposer roles in customer behavior ultimatums. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 119, 64-77.
- Journal of Applied Psychology, Editorial Board
- Personnel Psychology, Editorial Board
- PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Michigan State University, 2003
- MA in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Michigan State University, 1999
- BA, Cornell University, 1996