How to Network on LinkedIn

Networking Blog

In today's digital landscape, it is important to understand how to network in person and through social media. They are both interconnected. Professional networking is the key that opens the door to future job opportunities, growing your professional connections and optimizing your online brand presence. However, there is still the need to prioritize and strategize your LinkedIn networking approach. In this blog, we will go over the top five tips to help you be successful in your digital networking on LinkedIn.

Optimize profile

Before reaching out to potential connections, you want to ensure your entire profile is complete. This includes using a professional headshot as your profile picture, adding a simple background photo and crafting a concise yet impactful headline. In your headline, you will want to list three or more priority keywords that highlight who you are and what you do and include a personal brand statement describing your value. Make sure also to write a compelling summary to place into your “about me” section. In the summary, you will want to highlight your skills, experience and career goals.

A Pro tip: You can customize your LinkedIn profile URL to make it shareable and user-friendly!

Be Intentional in building your network 

Building a diverse network on LinkedIn is the key to reaching your career goals. This opens possible future job and mentorship opportunities. You will need to be intentional in building your network, meaning targeting connections who are in your industry or role and company that you are interested in. Take a self-assessment to find what roles interest you and do your research before just reaching out to anyone. It is all about being strategic! Leverage your current network, including family, friends, work colleagues, past colleagues and supervisors, and Alumni groups. Remember, networking is about establishing a mutually beneficial relationship.

A Pro Tip: Start Early! Don’t wait to make connections or build your network when looking for an opportunity!

Stay consistently active and engaged

Make sure to stay active by regularly sharing relevant content, such as industry news, articles, insights or even your professional accomplishments. Consistent LinkedIn activity helps you become more visible in search results and attract new connections. Just like any other social media platform, LinkedIn has an algorithm. The more you are engaged through liking posts, commenting and sharing posts, the more your profile and activity will show in your network's feed. Remember to follow LinkedIn etiquette and remain professional in tone when posting and commenting. Save your personal stories and posts for Facebook and Instagram!

A Pro Tip: Make sure you are updating and optimizing your profile regularly. That your accomplishments and job history are up to date.

Making connections

Now that you have targeted an industry and role, you are ready to start making connections. When inviting someone to connect, you will want to personalize your message. This means sending a personal note as you connect. Create a message or note that resonates with your connection. Did you meet them at a conference last week or an Alumni mixer? You will want to reference that interaction or meeting. Maybe highlight something you both talked about in conversation. When connecting with someone you have never met or don’t know, you can always ask a second-degree or mutual connection to introduce you.

A Pro Tip: On LinkedIn, you can download a list of connections!

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Nurture Relationships

Networking is not just about making connections but about building and sustaining or nurturing your mutually beneficial relationships over time. Once you have connected, make sure that the connection does not go cold. Invite them out for an informational interview or time for a coffee chat. You can send personalized messages to check in or share updates and to offer assistance if needed. Being genuinely interested in your network’s success can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities in the future, you never know where it might lead you.

A Pro Tip: Remember to congratulate connections on their own professional accomplishments that they post about.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking that can significantly impact your professional development journey. To optimize your utilization of this platform, you need to update your profile, be intentional in building your network, stay consistent and actively engaged, make connections and nurture relationships made. By following these tips, you can leverage LinkedIn to expand your professional network, unlock future career opportunities, and advance your career in the digital age of networking. Happy Networking!

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