Bridging the gap between medicine and management: Charity Hansen ‘22 MBA/MHM

Charity Hansen

In today’s competitive job market, higher education has shifted from being an advantage to an expected prerequisite for securing an executive-level position. Charity Hansen ’22 MBA/MHM is an example of the transformative power of higher education in shaping business and healthcare leadership roles. Hansen is a proud graduate of the Eller College of Management Online MBA and Online Master of Healthcare Management programs and currently serves as a product manager at NextGen Healthcare. 

Hansen's pursuit of higher education stemmed from the evolving expectations in leadership roles where advanced degrees are progressively becoming the norm in both business and healthcare. "Higher education is becoming the new standard in business and healthcare leadership roles,” she says. 

Choosing Eller for her MBA and MHM degrees was a strategic decision for Hansen, influenced by the program's renowned faculty and its direct relevance to her career goals. As she explains, "I primarily chose the program because of the professors’ research in the field of population health."

Hansen’s rapid ascent to a leadership position showcases the impact of her education on her professional trajectory. Within just one year of graduating, she secured a leadership role, surpassing colleagues with years of experience. She attributes her success to the technical skills acquired through the Online MBA program, such as Rstudio coding and statistical analysis. 

Her advice to aspiring MBA and MHM students is invaluable, “Try to soak up as much information as you can. You may not think your dream job ‘needs’ this information, but the positions leading up to your dream job may need it.” She emphasizes the importance of acquiring a broad skill set to excel in diverse roles, urging students to recognize the value of foundational knowledge in their professional journeys.

Hansen's experience illustrates the profound impact Eller's graduate programs have on integrating medicine and management to shape the future of healthcare leadership.