Internship Spotlight: Amber Jester, Austar Capital

girl standing in the sun

Amber Jester '26 BSBA (Finance) interned at Austar Capital in Sydney.


If you worked on a big project during your internship, please describe what you did to help.

One big project I contributed too was the NDIS Project. I worked at a company that funds
real estate, so the project was funding the construction of homes for disabled people. NDIS is
Australia’s disability program. I helped with coming up with a plan to prevent us from having to
pay stamp duty twice. I helped do research on witch areas would be more profitable for us. And
I helped decide what interest rates we should set for people investing in this project.
I also helped create many credit proposals. I put them using information form
evaluations, term sheets, and the client. These are what I worked on, on a day-to-day basis.


What did you find most challenging about your internship?

The most challenging thing was getting started. When I first started worked at Austar, I
did not know anything and felt like I was not going to be helpful. I felt like I was wasting more of
there time then helping them. But over time I learned things and could help with a lot of things.
It ended up being a lot easier to catch on to things then I thought.


What advice do you have for other students that are also considering interning abroad?

My advice would be to not stress. Almost everything works itself out. You will catch on
to things a lot quicker then you think you will both with work and with living in a new city.


How did Eller (or your previous coursework) prepare you for your internship?

Eller prepared through the pre-requisite classes I had to take. The Excel skills I learned
from MIS 112 were very helpful. The analysis skills I learned from BNAN 276 and 277 helped a
lot with understanding data and information. And ACCT 200 and 210 help me understand a lot
of important terms and information about money within a business.