Student Spotlight: Shuree Enkhbold, Piano Performance & Entrepreneurship '18

5 Questions with Shuree Enkhbold, Piano Performance & Entrepreneurship '18

Q. How did you become interested in entrepreneurship?
A. My parents owned several different businesses such as a café and restaurant, construction & real estate, and sports & recreation. My dad implemented his own innovative ideas to these companies we owned as a family. He would make things new from the original concepts. I enjoyed helping my parents' businesses as a young girl. I started to see things as possibilities to improve and create new things as result. I would say I learned entrepreneurial mindset within my family.
Q. Why were you interested in the McGuire New Venture Development Program?
A. I think entrepreneurship education is an essential part of being a successful artist. I will use my entrepreneurship education for my performing career and my own companies in the future. As a performing artist, I am a brand, product, and service. I want to get to the point that my performance projects solve problems in society. I also have several ideas for businesses, such as music education and fashion, where I can use my education from McGuire to make that reality. I would also be able to share my entrepreneurship knowledge with performing arts students and show how it benefits their careers.
Q. How does entrepreneurship compliment the rest of your studies?
A. It's teaching me to learn above and beyond the doctoral piano performance curriculum. I am learning from faculty and guest speakers that It takes entrepreneurship to succeed in the music field.
Q. What is your dream career?
A. My dream career is something I will make up on my own. I want to create a product within the fields of music and fashion that helps people in their lives.
Q. What activities are you involved in outside of class? (Clubs, events, co-curricular activities, leadership positions, jobs, internships, etc.)
A. As part of my doctoral study, I teach MUS 110A and 110B class piano courses for undergraduate students studying different instruments.