Changing the Nature of Healthcare: Anne McLain ’19 MBA (Executive)

Changing the Nature of Healthcare: Anne McLain ’19 MBA (Executive)

Aug. 6, 2019
Anne McLain

Changing how healthcare systems function is this Eller graduate’s dream. Anne McLain ’19 MBA moved to Tucson three years ago to begin a job at Banner University Medical Group. Earning an MBA was already on her mind, and the University of Arizona’s MBA options were a logical fit.

“I chose the Executive MBA program at Eller because I wanted to make connections with other professionals and I liked the structure of the program,” she says. “I knew that if I didn’t do it I would regret it.”

And the choice has paid off. Before she even graduated, McLain received a promotion to ambulatory operations director at Banner. “Having the degree helped solidify that promotion,” she says. “It’s propelling me to higher leadership opportunities.”

At the outset of her career McLain wasn’t interested in healthcare, working in sales and marketing for 15 years. But then both of her parents fell ill.  

“They were in and out of hospitals and I saw how the care wasn’t patient-centric,” McLain explains. “Patients are in such a vulnerable place and I thought things could be done better.” She did volunteer work and eventually got a job at a cancer hospital in Phoenix before her move to Banner.

Since entering the healthcare field she has made progress toward helping others. “My role is focused around access,” she says. “I make sure that patients get into clinics without waiting too long and that there is a good balance between how many patients one physician will be seeing.”

McLain sees herself staying in this industry for the foreseeable future. “Being in an operations role I get to see the back end of the healthcare experience,” she says. “I’d like to continue to help improve how we deliver good healthcare to people, with a focus on customer needs.”  

The lessons in ethics she learned at Eller have also helped her with patient care. “We need to understand that people come from different cultures and have different mindsets and we have to learn how to work with them. Discussions we had at Eller helped expand my horizons and my thought processes.”

McLain has found that her extensive and diverse career gave her a unique perspective throughout the MBA program, and confirmed her belief that it’s never too late to start something new.

“My message to those looking to get an advanced degree is that you’re never too old to gain new experiences and to share your insights,” she concludes.