Videos and Presentations

INSITE Videos and Presentations


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Big Data Analytics

2014 Symposium on Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

Symposium Introduction
Past Panacea: How Can Data Actually Drive Healthcare Transformation?

Speaker Basit Chaudhry M.D., Ph.D.; Founder and CEO of Tuple Health

“Big” Healthcare Data, One Actuary’s Point of View
Speaker Jay Hazelrigs, ASA, MAAA, Vice President, Optum

Social Media Data as a Public Data Resource Capable of Impacting Healthcare
Speakers Brian Norris, RN, MBA, FHIMSS and Mark Silverberg, MS Co-Founders of Social Health Insights LLC

Predicting Asthma Related Emergency Room Admissions Using Big Data from EHR, Social Media, and Sensor Datasets
Speaker Sudha Ram, Ph.D., Professor of MIS, Director, INSITE Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics

Panel Discussion: The Future of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities
Monitored by Palmer C. Evans, M.D., Senior Medical Advisor, Three-Sixty Advisory Group, Executive-in-Residence, Health Care Management, Eller College of Management, The University of Arizona, Former Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Tucson Medical Center, Tucson, AZ. Panelists included:  Wendy Angelo, M.D., ACMIO, Phoenix Children's Hospital; John Barto, Healthcare Evangelist, Microsoft; Joseph Colorafi, M.D., Vice President, Chief Medical Information Officer, Dignity Health and Yves Lussier, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Associate Director, Informatics, BIO5 and the Cancer Center, Associate Vice-President, Health Sciences, University of Arizona

TEDx Talks

Creating a Smarter World with Big Data
Dr. Sudha Ram at TEDxTucson 2013