Marketing Professor Quoted In Yahoo News On Georgia Voting Laws And Business

Nooshin Warren, assistant professor of marketing in the Eller College of Management, discussed politically polarized companies and the implications of business involvement in politics in an April 10 Yahoo News article.
The article describes various observations and opinions made about Georgia’s new voting laws, including partisan issues, election integrity and the consequences associated with the changing relationship between politics and business.
“If we move more and more towards a polarized society, it’s natural that every system in the society becomes polarized,” says Warren in the article. “A group of corporations will cater to one side, another group to the other side. My hope is that we don’t go there. I think our government, our corporations, our population—we all should not let this happen.”
Nooshin Warren joined the Eller College of Management in 2016 after earning her PhD in Marketing from Texas A&M University. Before academia, Warren was a marketing manager at Khosro Medisa Teb in Tehran, Iran. Her areas of expertise include new product development and innovation, firm/stock market communication strategies and the impact of top management on the effectiveness of marketing actions.