Alice Bonaime Becomes Associate Editor of JFQA

Alice Bonaime, associate professor of finance and Philip Rhoads Fellow in Finance in the Eller College of Management, has been appointed associate editor at the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA).
"The JFQA publishes theoretical and empirical research in financial economics. Topics include corporate finance, investments, capital and security markets, and quantitative methods of particular relevance to financial researchers. With a circulation of 3,000 libraries, firms, and individuals in 70 nations, the JFQA serves an international community of sophisticated finance scholars—academics and practitioners alike." (Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis)
Bonaime will serve as associate editor for four years.
She also had the opportunity to serve as a panelist on the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center and the University of North Carolina Tax Center's "Raising Revenue from Corporations" event. The topic for her panel was the Inflation Reduction Act's 1% excise tax on share buybacks. Bonaime sat alongside professors from Duke University, MIT, NYU and UNC.
Prior to joining Eller, Bonaime earned her PhD in Finance from the University of Florida and worked as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Kentucky. Alice researches empirical corporate finance with a focus on share buybacks and mergers and acquisitions. Her research has been published in various academic journals (Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, The Accounting Review, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Critical Finance Review) and cited by top news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, and National Public Radio. Alice teaches corporate finance to undergraduate and MBA/MSF students and has earned several teaching awards, including being named one of the Poets & Quants Favorite Business Professors.