Master of Healthcare Management Program Overview, Curriculum and Courses

Master of Healthcare Management Program Overview, Curriculum and Courses

In the business of building healthcare leaders.

The Eller Master of Healthcare Management (MHM) program, as part of Eller’s widely respected business school, has a unique edge that translates to your edge in the job market.

You’ll gain deep insights into how business works, specifically within the healthcare industry and all its challenges and opportunities. Healthcare business and technology are evolving at a rapid-fire pace, so you can rest easy knowing you’re in company that keeps up—and pushes the industry’s future even further. This 100 percent online program offers two start dates per year and can be completed in as little as 12 months, which means you don’t have to interrupt your career. But you’ll definitely kickstart it.


concentrations to choose from


credits to complete your MHM


dual-degree options:
Online MBA, Online Accounting

What You’ll Learn

Work with faculty who know business and the healthcare industry from the inside out. Along with a diverse healthcare curriculum, you’ll take core business classes and experience hands-on healthcare consulting. You’ll graduate ready to move into—or move up in—healthcare administration.

The Curriculum

Complete a total of 30 credits, including seven core courses covering subjects ranging from healthcare economics to market-based management. Then, you’ll complete nine healthcare- and business-related electives that let you hone in on your concentration of choice, choosing from Healthcare Leadership, Healthcare Informatics or Healthcare Innovation. You’ll finally complete the experience with a capstone course.

Core Courses

Principles and procedures underlying the financial accounting process and their application in the preparation and analysis of financial statements. 

Firm decision making to sustain competitive advantage in the context of different market structures and regulatory environments.

Healthcare expenditures now account for more than one-sixth of gross domestic product in the United States. This class will explore the sources of funding for those expenditures and the rapidly changing trends therein.

This course gives students foundational skills in the area of finance. Topics include financial markets, corporate finance and valuation.

This course focuses on the management and organization of healthcare delivery, particularly in the United States. The course examines the salient features of the healthcare context, the unique challenges these features produce for managers in the industry and solutions organizations have used to address those challenges. Micro to macro challenges and solutions are explored, with a particular emphasis on the ways that leadership, human resources, culture, operations, organization design and strategy influence the quality, safety and costs of care and the patient experience.

The goal of this course is to give students the tools necessary to interact with and understand the technological processes currently being used in the healthcare industry.

Market and customer analysis for product service, price, promotion and distribution decisions; study of marketing management theories and practices to maximize customer value and satisfaction.


Financial and managerial accounting concepts are examined in the context of healthcare business models. Topics include financial statements, budgets, revenue streams in healthcare, managerial accounting of service lines and expansion decisions and providers and revenue generators versus cost centers.

In this course, you will focus your business and entrepreneurial skills on contemporary challenges and opportunities. Through a series of readings, case studies, discussions, guest speakers and assignments, you will explore a number of contemporary healthcare problems and identify entrepreneurial solutions to these problems.

Increasing emphasis on value-based care has necessitated that healthcare leaders develop programs for improving quality, safety and reliability outcomes. Topics include the nature of patient errors, design of quality and safety programs, creating a culture to support high reliability organizing and an environment of quality care and patient satisfaction.

Healthcare organizations need to adapt to the rapid changes occurring in payment models, delivery mechanisms and industry organization. This course covers theory and technique for leading organizations through transformation at the broad strategic level and in terms of improving processes and efficiencies, all within the unique context and challenges of the healthcare industry.

The goal of this course is to expose students to the leadership skills necessary for the healthcare industry and highlight what makes leading teams in a healthcare setting so unique and challenging.

This course will cover data mining for business intelligence. Data mining refers to extracting or "mining" knowledge from large amounts of data. It consists of several techniques that aim at discovering rich and interesting patterns that can bring value or "business intelligence" to organizations. Examples of such patterns include fraud detection, consumer behavior and credit approval. The course will cover the most important data mining techniques--classification, clustering, association rule mining, visualization and prediction.

The goal of this class is to introduce students to principles and tools of data visualizations, and create visualizations using appropriate tools for two different but related purposes: (1) exploration and (2) presentation. The first part is about trying to understand the data and test hypotheses that drive the data visualization effort, and formulate a story; the second part is to convey that finding to others in a convincing manner.

Healthcare markets offer unique challenges and opportunities with regard to strategic marketing. Concepts of identifying customers, pricing products and services, customer relationship management and market segmentation will be examined across provider service, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The role of marketing analytics will also be addressed in each of these areas.

With the increasing adoption of electronic health record systems, new forms of data are becoming available that can be used to measure healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes. This healthcare analytics course provides the working professional in a broad range of roles (clinical and non-clinical) with the foundational knowledge of analytics, covering key components of the data analysis process, including strategies for effectively capturing and communicating information gleaned from data analytics efforts. The overarching goal is to equip participants to contribute to and/or conduct data analytics projects effectively. In this course, we will explore the variety of clinical data collected during the delivery of healthcare. You will learn to construct analysis-ready datasets and apply computational procedures to answer clinical questions. This course will further introduce the fundamental concepts and principles of machine learning as it applies to medicine and healthcare. We will explore machine learning approaches, medical use cases, metrics unique to healthcare, as well as best practices for designing, building, and evaluating machine learning applications in healthcare. The course will empower those with non-technical backgrounds in healthcare, health policy, pharmaceutical development, as well as data science with the knowledge to critically evaluate and use these technologies.

Capstone Experience Course

All MHM students have the chance to apply the principles they learn in the healthcare curriculum in an actual field setting. Students scope, research, plan and execute a project that delivers value for a healthcare organization. Students experience how decisions are made in real-time, apply skills and learning using a project methodology and communicate findings and recommendations in a professional manner. This requirement is set up to be taken over two sessions as MGMT 528 (2 units each session).


Students can choose from three different concentrations to focus on a specific aspect of healthcare management:

Healthcare Leadership Healthcare Innovation Healthcare Informatics
Healthcare Accounting (ACCT 575) Healthcare Entrepreneurship (MGMT/ENTR 548) Data Mining for Business Intelligence (MIS 545)
Leading Healthcare Change (MGMT 536) Healthcare Marketing Strategy (MKTG 538) Health Analytics (MIS 544)
Healthcare Leadership (MGMT 537) Healthcare Quality and Reliability (MGMT 534) Data Visualization (MIS 561)


Your Future is Calling

You’ve heard the “why.” If you think you’re a good fit, it’s time for the “how.” Let’s get you on the road to your Eller MHM. Contact us or begin your application now:

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