The Center for Trust Studies (CTS) in the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona organized a Workshop on the topic of "Trust and Networks on April 11-12, 2024, starting at 9:00 a.m. Arizona Time. Conference hosts are Oliver Schilke, Director of the Center for Trust Studies, and Bill McEvily, External Advisory Board Member of the Center.
The workshop was supported by the National Science Foundation's Science of Organizations Program, University of Arizona Research Innovation & Impact, the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management, and the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management.
The event brought together ~35 select faculty and PhD students from around the world who are interested in trust and/or networks.
Trust is well-known to facilitate a wide variety of social exchanges, but there is considerable room to shed more light on how trust shapes, and is shaped by, the structure of these exchanges. Put differently, it is important to expand trust research beyond the trustor-trustee dyad to appreciate the role of the network surrounding it and to expand network research beyond dyadic conceptualizations to consider network-based mechanisms and forms of trust.
Key objectives of the workshop included (1) defining a research agenda at the intersection of trust and networks and (2) building a community of scholars passionate about this domain. The workshop resulted in new research collaborations–culminating in joint publications and grant proposals–as well as new friendships.
Designed to be deeply interactive, a significant portion of the workshop was reserved for breakout sessions.