Eller Reentry Information
Here you will find all of the reentry information that is specific to Eller. Eller students’ health and wellness throughout their Eller experience, and especially during the COVID-19 crisis, is our paramount concern. Please use this page to find information and resources to help you during this unique time.
Eller student Reentry Information Eller Faculty and Staff Information
Eller Fall 2020 Class Format
Four types of classes will be offered in Fall 2020, ranging from fully in-person to fully online.
Students and instructors attend class in person with enhanced health protections, including wearing face coverings and decreasing classroom density. |
Students participate in a mix of in-person and online modes. For example, you may be in a rotating group that alternates between in-person and online meetings following the weekly class schedule. Or you may participate in lectures online and labs in person. The exact mix of in-person and online will be determined by your instructor. |
The instructor and students are online simultaneously, and your instructor provides content in a live online platform. |
For the majority of coursework, students and instructors are not required to be online simultaneously, and students complete their work through D2L. |
For more specific information on Eller courses, please reach out to your professor or Eller advisor with questions about class modalities.
Full explanation of class formats can be found at the University of Arizona's Reentry Plan website.
Eller Facilities and McClelland Hall
Face Covering Student Compliance Guidelines
- Open on August 17 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Building hours will be re-evaluated each week as campus moves through the phased re-opening plans.
- Follow posted traffic flow signs.
- Exterior doors will be designated ENTER, EXIT or CLOSED.
- Stairwells will be designated UP or DOWN.
- Classroom doors will be designated ENTER or EXIT wherever possible.
- Floor stickers will direct traffic flow in major hallways.
- Classroom capacities will be reduced to allow appropriate physical distance.
- Team room capacities will be reduced to accommodate for minimum six feet physical distance.
- McClelland Hall furnishings will be arranged to allow for a minimum of six feet physical distance. Thank you for not rearranging furniture.
- Two people maximum on the elevators.
Cleaning Services:
- Hand sanitizer stations will be installed near McClelland Hall main entrances.
- McClelland Hall custodial staff will clean and disinfect each classroom daily.
- Cleaning supplies will be available in all classrooms.
- Touch free paper towel dispensers have been installed in McClelland Hall restrooms.
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Student Academic Support
Undergraduate | Graduate |
For undergraduate information and to contact your advisor please visit our site here: Eller Undergraduate Academic Advising For additional Information and resources: |
For academic support and advising contact your programmatic representative: Graduate Programs:
Additional Student Resources
Student Assistance: The Dean of Students Office Support Opportunity Success (SOS)
Travel and Immigration Guidance |
What if I am Feeling ill?
Please do not come to campus if sick. We ask that you visit the University of Arizona's Campus Health COVID-19 page and follow the steps appropriate to your symptoms. If you are able to participate in the Test, Trace, Treat program you will help support the path back to campus.
Campus health Covid-19 page Test, Trace, and Treat website
Life Management Counseling Services
All Students: Prioritize your health and wellbeing.
- Download the My Wellness Coach App.
- Counseling and Psych Services
Undergraduate: Eller undergraduate students can speak with Melissa Rosinski, a licensed, professional counselor who can provide no-cost, short-term, confidential counseling. Schedule an appointment with her through eSMS or email her questions you have at lmc@eller.arizona.edu.
Special Events
- Students expecting to participate in competitions and special events should refer to the Eller events page for updated information on how these events will be conducted in Fall 2020.
- Small events with less than 50 people may be allowed where:
- All participants check their temperature before event to verify no fever.
- Six feet minimum physical distance can be maintained.
- All participants wear face coverings for the duration of the event.
- Some Eller special events have been moved into virtual environments, and we look forward to including you in these events where appropriate. Any special events that cannot be virtual and that are normally held onsite in McClelland Hall or at our Phoenix campus are on hold for the Fall 2020 semester.
- Any member of the Eller community wishing to visit campus, including McClelland Hall, is required to wear a face covering. More information about the University of Arizona administrative directive regarding face coverings can be found on the University COVID-19 website.
Eller Faculty and Staff
- Eller College of Management employees should work with supervisors regarding returning to work/working from home.
- Fall instructors should have chosen their preferred instruction modality: in-person, flex in-person or live online.
- Syllabi should include a mandatory face covering policy. In the event that a student enters a teaching space without a face covering, a supply of coverings will be kept in the Department Suite and Dean’s Suite. Instruction resources can be found on the Eller Admin site.
- All office hours will be conducted on Zoom unless instructor deems face-to-face meeting is necessary.
- Instructors should be prepared to pivot course format to a completely remote format if needed.
- Any employee working on or at a UArizona worksite should monitor themselves daily for COVID-19 symptoms prior to arriving at the worksite. You may wish to use Wildcat WellCheck to monitor symptoms.
- More information on returning to the University of Arizona workplace can be found on the University’s COVID-19 website.
Please visit the Eller admin site for more information