Management PhD Research

Management PhD Research

The Department of Management and Organizations conducts transformative research on leadership, strategy, ethics, decision making, healthcare management, organizations and more.


Top-ranked faculty research productivity

According to recent analysis by Texas A&M University and the University of Georgia, Eller's Department of Management and Organizations is a leader among management departments in the U.S. for faculty research productivity, ranking #2 for publications/faculty during 2021, and #6 over the last five years. 

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Centers and Labs

Management PhD students can take advantage of Eller's many centers, labs and institutes, including the following centers and labs managed by the Department of Management and Organizations:

Center for Leadership Ethics

With a focus on the three pillars of research, education and outreach, scholars with interests related to leadership ethics come together at the CLE to improve the ethical culture of organizations.

Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare

This interdisciplinary center transforms health through business solutions, with a faculty focus on research and educational interests in the healthcare world. The mission of CMIH is to bring about meaningful changes in health delivery, promotion and sustainability.

Organizational Behavior Laboratory

Both an instructional and research center, OBL fosters education and experimentation in organizational behavior and beyond. It focuses its study on the most important topics in management today, such as leadership, business ethics and the operation of groups and teams.

Center for Trust Studies

The mission of the Center for Trust Studies is to support research on trust; to develop new course materials and workshops on trust; and to disseminate findings from academic trust research to business and society.