Economic and Business Research Center

Economic and Business Research Center

The premier source for information on Arizona’s economy since 1949.

The Economic and Business Research Center (EBRC) focuses on applied economic research and community education for Arizona.

Through the Forecasting Project, events such as the Economic Outlook Luncheon, funded research projects and online resources Arizona’s Economy, Arizona-Mexico Economic Indicators and the MAP Dashboard, EBRC makes the latest data and analysis available to Arizona's citizens and decision makers.


Man driving car desert road

Arizona’s Economy: On a Solid Foundation

First Quarter 2025 Forecast Update

March 7, 2025 - Still going strong, the Arizona economy added large numbers of new jobs and residents last year. Nominal taxable retail plus remote sales expanded slowly, while personal income growth...

READ forecast analysis


Going forward we will be tracking key indicators: initial claims for unemployment insurance in Arizona and the U.S., Hotel occupancy rates, movie ticket sales, number of movie releases. Check back often for updates and as we add new indicators.

Just scroll down the page to review and download the indicators. Use your cursor as a tooltip on the charts to view the numbers.

Note: The official initial claims for unemployment insurance numbers for the U.S. are released every Thursday morning covering the week ending on the previous Saturday.

The U.S. Census Bureau continues to produce weekly estimates; however, the weekly estimate files are published as part of the Monthly Business Formation Statistics (BFS) Release. One key dataset with these estimates is High-Propensity Business Applications, a subset of total weekly business applications in Arizona that measures the number of applications with a high-propensity of turning into a business with a payroll, based on various factors. These data reflect weekly applications for Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) in Arizona and include applications: (a) from a corporate entity, (b) that indicate they are hiring employees, purchasing a business or changing organizational type, (c) that provide a first wages-paid date (planned wages); or (d) that have a NAICS industry code in manufacturing (31-33), retail stores (44), health care (62), or restaurants/food service (72). Applications for EINs occur before the jobs and wages are added, so this is a leading indicator.  Read more about the Business Applications dataset. Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

Explore EBRC's Community Sponsored Projects

George W. Hammond

The Forecasting Project

EBRC’s Forecasting Project team produces the most in-depth economic analyses and forecasts available for Arizona and its communities. These quarterly forecasts aid our community sponsors around the state in their pursuit of the next level of business success. - George Hammond, Forecasting Project director

"Maricopa Association of Governments uses the data, analysis and forecasts from EBRC’s Forecasting Project to add to our understanding of emerging trends in the Phoenix metropolitan area. It gives us another valuable way to view the future of the region."
  - Anubhav Bagley, Regional Analytics Director, Maricopa Association of Governments

"EBRC’s Forecasting Project provides the RTA with high-quality data, analysis, and forecasts for the Tucson region that add significantly to our understanding of local economic trends and implications for the future.  The economic data we receive is critical to our organization."
  - Robert Samuelsen, Chief Financial Officer, Regional Transportation Authority

Learn About Forecasting Project Membership


EBRC’s work on the MAP Dashboard website has helped to move the needle in several key areas. It has become the trusted source of information that Southern Arizona uses to benchmark progress and inspire action.

- Ron Shoopman, Chair, Arizona Board of Regents


Arizona Payroll Job Growth in 2022
vs. 4.3% for the U.S.


Arizona Average Hourly Earnings 2022
Up 6.4% in 2022 vs. $32.25 for the U.S., up 5.4%


Arizona's Population as of July 1, 2022
1.7% annual growth vs. 0.4% for the U.S.

View All EBRC Data

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McClelland Hall 103
The University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, AZ 85721-0108


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JPMorgan Chase & Co.