About the EBRC
The Economic and Business Research Center provides Arizona’s citizens, educators, business leaders, and decision-makers with applied economic research, forecasts, and analysis of trends that impact business success and quality of life in Arizona.

From the Director
Welcome to the Economic and Business Research Center (EBRC)! You will find a wealth of applied research, analysis, and data on topics important to decision making in Arizona. The last few years have been exciting ones at the EBRC, with the Center winning regional, national, and finally international recognition for excellence, innovation, visualization, and impact. Enjoy exploring this site and our other online projects: Arizona's Economy, Making Action Possible for Southern Arizona Dashboard, Arizona-Mexico Economic Indicators, and The Forecasting Project -George W. Hammond, Ph.D.
Recent Awards
Community Impact Award
Community Indicators Consortium
Finalist Governor's Award for Innovation in Academia
Governor, State of Arizona
Data Viz Award
Association for Public Data Users
Excellence in Websites
Association for University Business and Economic Research
Common Ground
Top 10 Project
Metropolitan Pima Alliance
Excellence in Electronic Publications
Association for University Business and Economic Research
What We Do
The EBRC provides economic forecasts and socioeconomic data and analysis for businesses and individuals—including government agencies, chambers of commerce, public and private researchers, news media and students—throughout the state of Arizona. Members of the EBRC share their expertise at the Annual Economic Outlook Luncheon each December, the Annual Breakfast with Economists in June, and in media interviews, as well as in our quarterly online magazine Arizona’s Economy. Keep abreast of issues affecting doing business in the borderlands by visiting our Arizona-Mexico Economic Indicators website. The Making Action Possible for Southern Arizona website allows you to gauge progress for Southern Arizona across a wide variety of economic and social indicators.
Research lies at the heart of the EBRC’s mission. EBRC contracts to do research on a wide array of topics from revenue forecasting, public finance, and taxation to industry studies. In addition, the EBRC’s Forecasting Project provides in-depth economic forecasts for business and government on a subscription basis via the Forecasting Project.
Join the Forecasting Project
The Forecasting Project is a community-sponsored research program that produces quarterly Arizona economic forecasts. As a program sponsor, your company will receive highly accurate, in-depth economic forecasting services from our team of industry experts.
Support the Center
Since 1949, the EBRC has provided citizens of Arizona with reliable, high-quality economic forecasts and applied economic research. Become part of that legacy by funding research, sponsoring events and publications, creating an endowment or making a one-time gift.