Support the Center
Thank for your interest in supporting the Economic and Business Research Center. You can support our work in the community by sponsoring projects or events, funding contract research, or through endowments or gifts.
Join in sponsorship of projects or events
The Forecasting Project
Economic Outlook Luncheon
Economic Outlook Breakfast
Workshops on how to use data from state and federal sources
Public presentations
Making Action Possible for Southern Arizona (MAP Dashboard)
Arizona-Mexico Economic Indicators
Arizona's Economy
Commission research
Customized Economic and Revenue Forecasts
Population Projections and Demographic Analyses
Benchmarking Local and Regional Economies
Border Economy and Policy Issues
Custom Data Aggregation and Reports
Economic Development Studies
Higher Education and Human Capital Accumulation
Industry Studies
Labor Market Impacts of Automation
Workforce Assessment
- Endow a research fellowship or chair
- Endow an ongoing targeted research program
Unrestricted Gifts
- Unrestricted gifts allow EBR to engage in research typically not funded through the existing state budget or other means