Undergraduate University Admissions: First Year Students

University Undergraduate Admissions: First Year Students

Welcome prospective students and families!

Apply for Admission to the University of Arizona

If you are interested in studying at the Eller College of Management, you must first apply for admission to the University of Arizona. Find application deadlines, download an application, view FAQs and more at the UA Admissions website.

The following classes are required for admission to the university from high school:

  • English (4 units/years)
  • Math (4 units/years)
  • Laboratory sciences (3 units/years)
  • Social sciences (2 units/years)
  • Second language (2 units/years)
  • Either fine arts or career and technical education (1 unit/year)

University of Arizona Admissions


Eller College Admission Process

The core principles of our Eller College Admission model are inclusivity and maintaining Eller excellence in business education. Students will be admitted to the University of Arizona as

  • Business Management majors if they are pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) on the main campus
  • Economics majors if they are pursuing a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics
  • Business Administration majors if they are pursuing a BSBA in the Arizona Online campus. 

Students are guaranteed Professional Admission into the Upper-Division (Professional program), as long as they meet the requirements. This takes away much of the risk in pursuing a degree from the Eller College of Management.

Main Campus in Tucson

For main campus BSBA students, upon completion of the Foundational phase, students will apply to the Professional phase of Business Management or may opt to apply to a different business major. The admission process will continue to require a 2.75 cumulative GPA in the semester students are completing their Eller Foundational classes; some business majors may be competitive. Students can guarantee their admission into one of our other business majors by achieving Admission with Excellence. Students who do not achieve Admission with Excellence or get selected for one of these other majors, will still be able to continue as a Business Management major and earn their degree from the Eller College.

For BA students, upon completion of the Foundational phase, students will apply to the Professional phase of Economics. That admissions process will continue to require a 2.0 cumulative GPA in the semester students are completing their Eller Foundational classes and a final grade of C or better in Economics 200 (or equivalent) and Calculus; BA admission is not competitive.

Arizona Online Campus

For BSBA online students, upon completion of the Foundational phase, students will apply to the Professional online phase of Business Administration or Accounting. The admission process will continue to require a 2.75 cumulative GPA in the semester students are completing their Eller Foundational classes; both online business majors are not competitive.

Learn More

Students will learn more at New Student Orientation and from their academic advisor. Prospective students may attend one of our Virtual Eller Information Sessions. The virtual sessions cover our admissions process, Eller majors, Global Programs, and support services around academics.

Professional Academic Communities for Excellence (PACE)

PACE is a first-year experience for Eller Foundational Majors (Foundational Business Management and Economics) living in identified living-learning communities in UA dorms. Within their PACE community, students are enrolled at their first-year student orientation into common sections of core classes, such as MIS 111. Students are able to easily create meaningful academic relationships and social learning opportunities with their pre-professional peers.

You can apply to live on the same floor with other Foundational majors in three different Residence Halls for the 2024-2025 academic year: Villa del Puente, Coronado and Manzanita-Mohave. Students who apply to live in our living-learning communities take an additional leadership course together in the Fall semester. 

PACE living learning Community Application

Features of PACE for Students

All first-year Foundational students within PACE theme communities have the benefit of these programs:

Professional Academic Advising is easily accessible, even in the dorms, at peak times of the year or for group advising at students' requests.  

You will be enrolled in courses with peers in your theme community so that you can get to know and work with other foundational students early on.

Any questions regarding PACE should be directed to the program advisor: Michelle Parker, Student Success and Retention Specialist, Eller Undergraduate Programs