Undergraduate Admissions
Welcome to Undergraduate Programs at the Eller College of Management!
We are excited about your interest in our college! Please select from the following for more information and resources about the admissions process.
University Admissions for First-Year Students
For prospective students interested in applying to the University of Arizona.
University Admissions for Transfer Students
For prospective students interested in transferring to the University of Arizona.
Eller Online Program Admissions
For prospective students interested in completing our fully online program.
BSBA Business Professional Admissions
For Pre-Professional students at the University of Arizona who are ready to apply for Eller's upper division BSBA degree program.
BA Economics Advanced Standing
For Pre-Economics students at the University of Arizona who are ready to apply for Eller's BA Economics upper-division program.

Undergraduate Programs Brochures
Explore Eller Undergraduate Programs through our brochures. Here you'll find Eller College stats, major overviews, student and alumni profiles, a quick look at our many engaging academic experiences and professional development, including top hiring companies.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Learn about financial aid and scholarships available to you both within and outside of the Eller College.