AI Lab Research

AI Lab Research

The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory conducts sophisticated information systems research and has made significant contributions in machine learning, visualization, knowledge management and many other areas.

Current Research Projects

Cybersecurity Research and Education

NSF CICI: Cyber Threat Intelligence for Cyberinfrastructure – 2019 - 2022

This project brings together a unique and diverse team of researchers from UArizona and Indiana University in order to discover and mitigate the vulnerabilities present in scientific instruments, cyberinfrastructure, and scientific assets.

NSF SaTC: Big Data Research for Hacker Communities – 2019 - 2022

This project seeks to shed light on the nature of cybercrime in dark web communities by advancing current capabilities for scalable identification, collection, and analysis of international hacker community contents, as well as developing new big data techniques that enables further analysis on hacker content and other related domains.

NSF SFS: Scholarship for Service – 2013 - 2024

The UA SFS program trains graduate students to be critical public defenders of America’s cyberspace. Our approach is innovative and multidisciplinary, and embeds research through experiential learning into the educational experience. Graduates of our program are well positioned to fulfill their service to the U.S. government by protecting the nation against the growing wave of cybercrime.

Business Intelligence and Analytics

Business Intelligence and Analytics 
E-commerce applications present unique challenges and opportunities for developing various data mining, text mining, and web mining techniques for business intelligence and knowledge management purposes.

Knowledge Mapping for Nanotechnology 
Nanotechnology holds the promise of revolutionizing a wide range of application areas and has been recognized by most countries as critical to a nation's future technology competence.

Smart Health

DiabeticLink and SilverLink Research 
A major goal for healthcare-related IT is to develop trusted healthcare systems that offer relevant decision support to clinicians and patients, and in particular, provide “just in time, just for me” advice at the point of care.

Previous Research Projects

View our archive of previous AI Lab research projects:

View Previous Research Projects


Browse resources like the H Index for Management Information Systems, articles and other publications stemming from AI Lab research, the AZSecure Cybersecurity Fellowship Program and even helpful templates for producing research papers and publications:

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