
AI Lab Projects

Current Research Projects

  Cybersecurity: Hacker Web + AZSecure 
With a highly inter-disciplinary team, the Hacker Web project aims to answer the important questions about hacker behaviors, markets, community structure, communication contents, artifacts and cultural differences.
  Smart Health and DiabeticLink Research 
A major goal for healthcare-related IT is to develop trusted healthcare systems that offer relevant decision support to clinicians and patients, and in particular, provide “just in time, just for me” advice at the point of care.
  DIBBs for ISI 
This NSF-funded Data Infrastructure Building Blocks pilot demonstration project is intended to make available a wide range of data sets useful for the study of intelligence and security informatics.
  Business Intelligence and Analytics 
E-commerce applications present unique challenges and opportunities for developing various data mining, text mining, and web mining techniques for business intelligence and knowledge management purposes.
  Knowledge Mapping for Nanotechnology 
Nanotechnology holds the promise of revolutionizing a wide range of application areas and has been recognized by most countries as critical to a nation's future technology competence.
  Intelligence and Security Informatics 
The development of advanced information technologies, systems, algorithms, and databases for national security-related applications, through an integrated technological, organizational, and policy-based approach.