Workgroup and Collaborative Computing

Workgroup and Collaborative Computing

Research Goal

To develop knowledge management techniques for groupware and CSCW systems.


Funding for this research was received from the following sources:

  • National Science Foundation (#IIS-9800696), "An Intelligent CSCW Workbench: Analysis, Visualization and Agents." 8/15/98-7/31/02, $273,000.
  • University of Illinois/sub-NSF (IRI 94-11318COOP), "Building the Interspace: Digital Library Infrastructure for a University Engineering Community." 9/1/94-8/31/99, $678,041.
  • University of Illinois/sub-DARPA (N6601-97-C-8535). "The Interspace Prototype: An Analysis Environment based on Scalable Semantics." 7/1/97-6/30/00, $1,078,991.


We wish to acknowledge the contributions of the following institutions and individuals:

  • Center for the Management of Information (CMI) and Dr. Jay Nunamaker for their support and the use of the GroupSystems session outputs.

Approach and Methodology


  • 200 raw Group Systems (GS) electronic meeting comments.


  • Automatic Indexing-stop wording and algorithmic index phrase formation
  • Concept Space-index phrase co-occurrence information is used to generate an automatic thesaurus for search term suggestion.
  • Kohonen Self-Organization Map (SOM) Algorithms-1-D, 2-D, 3-D (VRML) displays for information categorization and visualization.
  • Multi-dimensional Scaling-an alternative method to the Kohonen SOM providing information categorization and visualization in 1-D, 2-D, 3-D (VRML) displays.

Team Members

Dr. Hsinchun
Dr. Jay Nunamaker 
Chienting Lin 
Thian-Huat Ong 


  1. R. Orwig, H. Chen, D. Vogel, and J. F. Nunamaker.  "A Multi-Agent View of Strategic Planning Using Group Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence," Group Decision and Negotiation, Volume 5, Pages 37-59, 1996.
  2. R. E. Orwig, H. Chen, and J. F. Nunamaker.  "A Graphical, Self-Organizing Approach to Classifying Electronic Meeting Output," Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Volume 48, Number 2, Pages 157-170, February 1997.
  3. H. Chen, O. Titkova, R. Orwig, and J. F. Nunamaker.  "Information Visualization for Collaborative Computing,"  IEEE Computer, Volume 31, Number 8, Pages 75-82, August, 1998.
  4. C. Lin, H. Chen and J.F. Nunamaker.  "Verifying the Proximity Hypothesis for Self-organizing Maps,"  in the Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan. 1999.
  5. N. C. Romano, C. Bauer, H. Chen and J. F. Nunamaker. "Quantifying Qualitative Data for Electronic Commerce Attitude Assessment and Visualization," Journal of Management Information Systems, 2000.