AZsecure Cybersecurity Program
Average student-to-faculty research mentorship ratio
Number of Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) Designations from NSA/DHS
received by the MIS department in research grants and other state and industry support

AZSecure 2018 group photo
What is AZSecure?
The AZSecure Cybersecurity Program at the University of Arizona’s top-ranked Management Information Systems (MIS) department is a cutting-edge, research-intensive scholarship program for graduate students designed to train the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. AZSecure produces highly skilled graduates by engaging them in rigorous, multidisciplinary coursework and experiential learning through research in MIS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science.
As a result of this program, students will:
- Understand and apply core knowledge in cybersecurity
- Understand and apply principles for assessing, preventing and managing information or systems security related threats
- Apply data analytics tools to develop threat intelligence for current and future security endeavors
- Understand and apply procedures for researching and recommending solutions to cyber security problems
The University of Arizona is one of the few institutions in the country to have received all three Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) designations from the NSA and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These designations recognize the highest level of academic excellence in three cybersecurity disciplines: research (CAE-R), cyber defense (CAE-CD), and cyber operations (CAE-CO). Both the U.S. government and industry partners are able to benefit from our graduates’ rigorous training and expertise. Students of this program choose one of two employment tracks in AZSecure: the Government Scholarship for Service (SFS) track or the Scholarship for Industry (SFI) track.
Two Tracks
Scholarship for Service (SFS)
Government Service Track
With funding from the National Science Foundation Scholarship-for-Service (SFS) CyberCorps Program, this program track offers full scholarships to U.S. citizens in exchange for public service following graduation.
Scholarship for Industry (SFI)
Industry Employment Track
This program is currently inactive and will not accept any new applicants at this time. With funding support from the MIS department, SFI scholarship students receive a top-notch cybersecurity education, research opportunities with world-class faculty and internship and job placement support.
Why AZSecure at Eller MIS?
AZSecure students take their core coursework through the Masters in MIS degree program. Having received over $200 million in research funding to date, the MIS Department at the University of Arizona is a global leader in IT education and research. For 28 consecutive years, U.S. News & World Report has ranked our program among the top five in the country. We are currently number 1 public and number 3 overall.
Working within the MIS program affords our students the opportunity to gain real-world security experience while they are still in school. Our targeted research interests are chosen to maximize social benefit by addressing the most pressing cybersecurity issues in both public and private sectors. With the resources of a major business school behind it, AZSecure can dynamically respond to the evolving nature of cyberthreats.