Downloading and Installing Microsoft Visio

Downloading and Installing Microsoft Visio


 Please note that this software is intended to be used on Microsoft Windows. If you use a Mac, please try the following:

  1. Bootcamp on Mac: Install Windows and then Microsoft Visio. Bootcamp is a tool offered by Apple that allows you to install Windows on some Macs, such that when you start your Mac, you can choose to start into Windows, or into your regular Mac OS. Note that this will require a valid Windows license.
  2. Virtual machine on Mac: note that some students in the past indicated that Microsoft Visio may perform erratically in this case.
  3. Install Microsoft Visio on an Internet-connected PC, and connect to that machine via remote desktop.

If you run into technical issues or need further assistance, please refer to the Technical Support section below.

Downloading MS Visio 2019

1. In your browser, visit Click on Sign In.

Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching landing page. Click on the sign-in button to proceed.

 2. You will be sent to a Microsoft Sign In page. Put in your UA e-mail address ( and click Next.

Microsoft sign-in page. Input your UA account and then click next.

 3. You may receive a prompt asking you to select if your account is a Work or School account or a Personal Account. Select Work or School account.

prompt for work or school


4. You will be redirected to a UA-branded Microsoft sign-in page, unless you're already logged in. Enter your NetID password and click Sign in
Note: You may be prompted to sign-in with NetID+, two-factor authentication. Be sure to do that to continue the login process.

Microsoft's UA-branded sign in page. Type in your NetID password and click the Sign in button to proceed.

5. You should be redirected to the Azure Education portal. To look for software downloads, click on the Softwaretab.

redirected to azure dev tool protal


6. Look for Visio in the Software -> Search box. Then click on Visio Professional 2019. 

search for visio


7. In the pane on the right, click on Product Key to reveal it. You'll be using this in Step 10 to license the software. Store it in a safe place for your records. Click Download to being downloading the installation media.

view key for future reference


8. After complete downloading, click on Open to start the Downloaded file.

open the downloaded file


9. Right click on the downloaded file to select the mount option or simply double click to start the installation.

Open file and select mount


10. Click setup.exe in the folder to start installing Visio 2019.

click on setup


11. An installation window will pop up, click Yes to allow changes to your device.

select the yes option


12. Wait for Visio to install.

wait for visio to install


13. Now the installation is complete, Close the installation window.

click on close


14. Now Search for Visio in your computer, then click Visio 2019 to open the software.

search for visio


15. The first time you open your Visio, the software will ask you for Product Key. This is the 25-digit alphanumeric code you received in Step 7. If you didn't write it down, you will have to revisit the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching to access it.

first time key referred from the initial step


16. Visio 2019 should be ready to use.




Technical Support

If you have questions or feedback on this guide, or are having trouble with the MIS department's software license systems, remote desktop services, or other systems, please contact the MIS Academic and Research Technologies Group by e-mailing Please include as many details as you can, and provide screenshots if necessary. We generally respond to support requests within 1-2 business days.

If you experience technical issues with your computer, you may want to contact The 24/7 IT Support Center. The 24/7 provides computing support to University of Arizona students, faculty and staff. You can find their contact information on the 24/7 IT Support Center webpage

If you do not know your NetID credentials, or are having trouble with the WebAuth system, please contact the 24/7 IT Support Center at 520-626-TECH.