Undergraduate Career Preparation

Undergraduate Career Preparation Resources

Career preparation and development is one of the most important developmental processes in a student’s college experience.

Deciding on a career is a developmental process, marked by significant events and experiences. Employers want well-rounded students that enhance their in classroom education with key career-related experiences. Students should strive to fine tune their career goals carefully. Below is a "career planning timetable" (adapted from ACU Office of Career and Academic Development guidelines) to help students gauge where they need to be in their career planning and how they can achieve these goals.

First Year: Assessment

  • Discuss possible academic and career goals with your academic advisor
  • Visit an Eller Career Coach to explore your career options
  • Join Eller student clubs in career areas of interest to meet students with similar interests, network with professional guest speakers and learn more about how to break into specific career fields
  • Use part-time jobs, volunteer work and/or extracurricular activities to learn about your strengths and interests
  • Explore academic disciplines by taking introductory class and talking with faculty
  • Take BNAD 100*: The Language and Context of Business (spring semester), to explore business industries and career fields
  • Attend Career Quest* (required in BNAD100), to learn about a company and career field of your choice directly from the company’s employees

*available to BSBA majors

Second Year: Exploration

  • Review, revise, reassess, reaffirm your values, interests, abilities and skills
  • Take BNAD 200*: Career Management in Business, to assess your interests and skills and learn how to communicate with businesses for internships and jobs
  • Attend career fairs (University of Arizona Career Days, Eller Expo, Career Showcase) to network with potential future employers
  • Join or continue involvement with Eller or student clubs
  • Select a major; work with an advisor to develop and understand your path to graduation
  • Conduct informational interviews with professionals career areas of interest
  • Fine tune your resume for part-time jobs and internships
  • Consider internships or volunteer work related to major
  • Consider study or internship abroad

*available to BSBA majors

Third Year: Focus

  • Confirm your degree plan and possible careers with your academic advisor
  • Reassess your career values, interests and skills
  • Attend career fairs (Career Days, Eller Expo, Career Showcase) to network with companies for internships
  • Consider internships, independent studies, volunteer work, community service and/or summer employment to supplement your major
  • Begin to explore choices after graduation, i.e., employment, graduate study or alternatives
  • Begin leadership role(s) in student clubs and/or part-time jobs
  • Start the application process for graduate or professional studies, if applicable
  • Register for appropriate graduate entrance exams

Last Year: Implementation

  • Research possible companies and organizations for employment
  • Conduct informational interviews with professionals at your desired companies or career areas
  • Take note of new values, interests and skills that you have developed
  • Refine your resume
  • Register with Career Services for assistance with developing job search strategies, on-campus interviews, job fairs, direct information about job openings, etc.
  • Complete applications for graduate or professional school early in the year
  • Take graduate entrance exams

Other Career Preparation Resources