Undergraduate Internships

Undergraduate Internships

An internship is a work-related learning experience for individuals who wish to develop hands-on work experience in a certain occupational field.

Employers looking to hire students for internships, check out our recruiting resources for more information.


  • Eller Business Careers Institute (EBCI) – 4 weeks, June 3 - June 28
    Free for Foundational Business Management, Foundational Economics, Business Majors and BA Economics students (Main campus and online students welcome)
    Commit 5–10 hours per week. A combination of working on your own plus 1–2 hours per week of real-time virtual meetings.
    More information and register for Summer 2024 on Handshake: EBCI 2024 Registration

Most internships are temporary assignments that last approximately three months up to a year.

An internship is any career-related experience that enhances a student's understanding of his or her career field of choice while offering a directed learning component to the experience. All majors are strongly encouraged to gain career experience in their field of interest prior to graduation.

The internship may or may not be for academic credit (that is strictly determined by each academic department—see your advisor). Some internships are paid and some are not. Some are full-time positions for a semester, two semesters or even a full year, while others are part-time and take place concurrently while the student is enrolled in other classes.

Internship Search Strategies

  • How can I find a valuable internship experience?
  • What campus resources are available to me?
  • What is the Eller Career News?
  • What online resources are available to me?
  • How can student organizations help me get an internship?  
  • View information about internship search strategies

Internship Housing Guide

Once you've found an internship, you should start thinking about a place to live and associated costs. You can use the worksheet below as a resource and basis for planning.

Internship Housing Worksheet

Earn Academic Credit for your Internship

  • Can I earn academic credit for my internship?
  • Why should I earn academic credit for my internship?
  • How do I apply for internship credit?
  • What kind of academic responsibilities are associated with internship credit?
  • What are the steps for internship credit approval?  
  • View information about earning internship credit