Foundational Business Management

Undergraduate Major

Foundational Business Management

Foundational Business Management Advising

You’ll receive personalized guidance from advisors dedicated to helping you find academic and professional success.

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Foundational Business Management Career Coaching

Throughout your time at Eller, you’ll have access to professional development courses, career guidance and networking opportunities that help you explore your opportunities and land your future career.

Meet the Eller Career Coaches

Build your business chops. And prep to change the world.

Eller offers the very best in business education and we expect the very best of our students, too.

Dedicated faculty will help you to develop foundational business skills that prepare you for success in the advanced, professional focus of your junior and senior year. 

View a Sample Coursework Plan

How your Eller Foundational Business Management experience can play out:

This sample plan is based on 14-17 credits per semester, but each student and their academic plan is unique.   Please meet with your Academic Advisor to create a custom plan for you.  Please note that your General Education requirements, including second language, are determined by when you were admitted to the university.  Your Academic Advisor can help you navigate the requirements relevant for you. For a full list of official degree requirements, check out the University General Catalog

First Year

1st Semester
ENGL 101* First Year Composition  
MIS 111* Computers and Internetworked Society 
MIS 112* Computers and Internetworked Society Lab  
MATH 112 College Algebra Concepts and Applications (requires C or better) 
UNIV 101 Introduction to the General Education Experience
1-2 General Education courses
Attend Eller Career Expo and UA Fall Career Days
* View Enforced Prerequisites
2nd Semester
ENGL 102* First Year Composition  
MATH 116* Calculus Concepts for Business Majors
1-2 General Education courses
Second Language
BNAD 100 Language and Context of Business  
Attend Career Showcase and UA Spring Career Days 
* View Enforced Prerequisites
Use summer to catch up on math if behind in sequencing based on placement results prior to your first year.

Current Eller students pursuing a BSBA degree who are looking to take Foundational Business Management coursework at an Arizona Community College are encouraged to utilize our Course Equivalency Guide and connect with their Academic Advisor

Sophomore Year

1st Semester
BNAN 276* Statistical Inference in Management 
ACCT 200* Introduction to Financial Accounting 
ECON 200* Basic Economic Issues 
General Education 
General Education or Second Language
BNAD 200 Career Management in Business
Attend Eller Career Expo and UA Fall Career Days
* View Enforced Prerequisites
2nd Semester
ACCT 210* Introduction to Managerial Accounting 
BNAN 277* Analytical Methods for Business 
BCOM 214* Fundamentals of Business Communication
UNIV 301 General Education Portfolio
1-2 General Education courses or Ethics**
Attend Career Showcase and UA Spring Career Days. Apply for Professional Admissions.
* View Enforced Prerequisites
We highly recommend that students participate in a study abroad and career-related experience.

Note: This is only a sample plan and requirements are subject to change and may vary based on catalog year, placement tests, AP/CLEP credit, transfer work, summer school, etc.

All students enter as Foundational Business Managements majors, and must go through a competitive and selective Professional Admission process to gain entry to the upper-division professional majors. The above plan is designed on the assumption that a student tests into College Algebra on the PPL Math Placement Exam; students who test lower than College Algebra should refer to the Five-Semester Plan and work with their academic advisor to learn how they can adjust their schedule to meet their educational goals.

* Eller Foundation Courses: You need to take these classes before you apply for admission into the professional program. Professional Admission is required before enrolling in 300- and 400-level core and major courses. Students transferring directly into the upper division who do not have a BCOM 214 equivalent completed will be required to take BCOM 315 before graduation instead. Many Foundation Courses have enforced prerequisites in UAccess. 

** Business Emphasis Areas: You must take one ethics course to complete your degree. This class does not need to be completed before applying for Professional Admission.

Students can meet the Second Language requirement by demonstrating second semester proficiency through examination or taking any of a variety of second semester language courses. Each student needs to meet a minimum of 120 total credits. Students are strongly encouraged to take BNAD 100 and BNAD 200 to develop their professional knowledge and competencies required for success in the upper division. Please consult with your Advisement Report and your academic advisor.

Students who test below College Algebra on the PPL Math Placement exam, or students who do not take the PPL Math Placement exam and start in MATH 196B, should be prepared to take multiple prerequisite math courses before starting Foundational Business Management courses.  Students will likely be applying for Professional Admission during the first semester of their Junior year. 

This is only a sample plan and requirements are subject to change and may vary based on catalog year, placement tests, AP/CLEP credit, transfer work, summer school, etc. Each student and their academic plan is unique.   Please meet with your Academic Advisor to create a custom plan for you.  Please note that your General Education requirements, including second language, are determined by when you were admitted to the university.  Your Academic Advisor can help you navigate the requirements relevant for you.

The official degree requirements are found in the University General Catalog  and all University of Arizona students should refer to their Academic Advisement Report through UAccess for their specific requirements for graduation.

First Year

1st Semester

ENGL 101* First Year Composition  

MATH 100 Preparation for University-level Mathematics 
SAS 100AX Math Success Strategies
MIS 111* Computers and Internetworked Society
MIS 112* Computers and Internetworked Society Lab
UNIV 101 Introduction to the General Education Experience

A student's performance in MATH 100 and SAS 100AX will determine future UA MATH courses.  Students can register for a late-start 10-week or 7-week Second General Education course if desired. 

Attend Eller Career Expo and UA Fall Career Days
* View Enforced Prerequisites

2nd Semester
ENGL 102* First Year Composition  
MATH 112 College Algebra Concepts and Applications (requires C or better)  
General Education  
Second Language
BNAD 100 Language and Context of Business  
Attend Career Showcase and UA Spring Career Days 
* View Enforced Prerequisites
Use summer to catch up on math if behind in sequencing based on placement results prior to your first year.

Current Eller students pursuing a BSBA degree who are looking to take Foundational Business Management coursework at an Arizona Community College are encouraged to utilize our Course Equivalency Guide and connect with their Academic Advisor

Sophomore Year

1st Semester
MATH 116* Calculus Concepts for Business Majors  
ECON 200* Basic Economic Issues 
General Education 
General Education
Second Language
BNAD 200 Career Management in Business 
Attend Eller Career Expo and UA Fall Career Days
* View Enforced Prerequisites
2nd Semester
BNAN 276* Statistical Inference in Management 
ACCT 200* Introduction to Financial Accounting 
General Education 
General Education
Attend Career Showcase and UA Spring Career Days 
* View Enforced Prerequisites
We highly recommend that students participate in a study abroad and career-related experience.

Junior Year

1st Semester
ACCT 210* Introduction to Managerial Accounting 
BNAN 277* Analytical Methods for Business 
BCOM 214* Fundamentals of Business Communication
UNIV 301 General Education Portfolio
General Education and/or Ethics
Attend Eller Career Expo and UA Fall Career Days. Apply for Professional Admissions.
* View Enforced Prerequisites

Note: This is only a sample plan and requirements are subject to change and may vary based on catalog year, placement tests, AP/CLEP credit, transfer work, summer school, etc.

Students who test lower than College Algebra, our who do not take the PPL Math Placement Exam and start in MATH 196B,  will likely face a delay in graduation or will be required to take courses over the Summer to catch up on their course sequencing.  Students should work with the academic advisor to learn how they can adjust their schedule to meet their educational goals.

All students enter as Foundational Business Managements majors, and must go through a competitive and selective Professional Admission process to gain entry to the upper-division professional majors. 

* Eller Foundation Courses: You need to take these classes before you apply for admission into the professional program. Professional Admission is required before enrolling in 300- and 400-level core and major courses. Students transferring directly into the upper division who do not have a BCOM 214 equivalent completed will be required to take BCOM 315 before graduation instead. Many Foundational Courses have enforced prerequisites in UAccess. 

** Business Emphasis Areas: You must take one ethics course to complete your degree. This class does not need to be completed before applying for Professional Admission.

Students can meet the Second Language requirement by demonstrating second semester proficiency through examination or taking any of a variety of second semester language courses. Each student needs to meet a minimum of 120 total credits. Students are strongly encouraged to take BNAD 100 and BNAD 200 to develop their professional knowledge and competencies required for success in the upper division. Please consult with your Advisement Report and your academic advisor.

Professional Development Services

To connect students with career-oriented opportunities and education before your professional phase at Eller, Foundational Business Management students can connect with Career Coaches and programs and services offered through the Professional Development Center

Honors Opportunities 

Foundational Business Management students who are affiliated with the W.A. Franke Honors College are advised by their alphabetically-assigned Eller Academic Advisor.  Most Foundational Business Management students earn Honors credits through enrolling in designated Honors General Education courses.  The Eller College regularly offers the following Honors General Education Courses during the Fall and Spring semesters:

  • ECON 200 - Basic Economics Issues
  • MGMT 202 - Ethical Issues in Business 

Learn more about the Eller Undergraduate Honors Program.