How to Log into Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

How to Log into Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

The following instructions will guide you through the steps needed to download software from our departmental Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (formerly Microsoft Imagine Premium) system. The system is available to active students enrolled in an MIS or MBA course or program, and MIS/MBA department faculty and staff.

If you need run into technical issues or need further assistance, please refer to the Technical Support section below.

Using Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

To download software from Azure Dev Tools for Teaching:

  1. In your browser, visit Click on Sign In.
    Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching landing page. Click on the sign-in button to proceed.
  2. You will be sent to a Microsoft Sign In page. Put in your UA e-mail address ( and click Next.
    Microsoft sign-in page. Input your UA account and then click next.
  3. You may receive a prompt asking you to select if your account is a Work or School account, or a Personal account. Select Work or School account.
    Microsoft account disambiguation prompt. Select "Work or School" account.
  4. You will be redirected to a UA-branded Microsoft sign-in page, unless you're already logged in. Enter your NetID password and click Sign in
    Note: You may be prompted to sign-in with NetID+, two-factor authentication. Be sure to do that to continue the login process.
    Microsoft's UA-branded sign in page. Type in your NetID password and click the Sign in button to proceed.
  5. You should be redirected to the Azure Education portal. To look for software downloads, click on the Software tab.
    Azure Dev Tools for Teaching "Education Portal" page
  6. You will be able to search for software titles in the Search field. You can search for software like Visio, Project, Access or Windows Server.
    Azure Dev Tools software page. Use the Search bar to quickly find the software titles you need.

At this point, you should be able to download software for installation.


Having access issues?

Are you experiencing a "You do not have access" error, and/or an error with a Message Code that begins with "715"?

If so, please submit a ticket with the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching support team via their webform, so they can individually verify your status and resolve your issue. Be sure to use your University of Arizona e-mail address when filling out the form.

Still having trouble?

Did you follow all the steps, but you either cannot see the software required or you cannot generate a license key?

Sometimes, the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching site will require additional student verification.

Here's how we suggest you force this to occur:

  1. Close all of your browser windows.
  2. Restart your browser in a Private, InPrivate or "Incognito" mode. Note: We recommend Chrome, if available, for this.
  3. Visit the student verification link:
  4. Enter your full UA e-mail address. If prompted, choose "Work or School account"
  5. You should be directed to log in with your NetID (and NetID+ 2nd factor authentication). If you're not, you may be prompted to fill out a form where you're e-mailed a verification link
  6. Retry the instructions.


Technical Support

If you have questions or feedback on this guide, or are having trouble with the MIS department's software license systems, remote desktop services, or other systems, please contact the MIS Academic and Research Technologies Group by e-mailing Please include as many details as you can, and provide screenshots if necessary. We generally respond to support requests within 1-2 business days.

If you experience technical issues with your computer, you may want to contact The 24/7 IT Support Center. The 24/7 provides computing support to University of Arizona students, faculty and staff. You can find their contact information on the 24/7 IT Support Center webpage

If you do not know your NetID credentials, or are having trouble with the WebAuth system, please contact the 24/7 IT Support Center at 520-626-TECH.