BSBA Business Professional Admissions

BSBA Business Professional Admissions

The Eller College of Management BSBA degree program requires professional admission to the individual majors.

This application process is separate from the admission application to the University of Arizona. You can apply for admission and access your online application in the application portal by selecting the button below. 



Spring 2025 Professional Admission Application Packet

Still exploring your major options? Review Our Guides: What Can I Do With My Major? 

Follow a link below or scroll down to view details on the Eller College BSBA Professional Admission:


Spring 2025 Dates and TimesProfessional Admission Application Period Activity
January 16th at 9:00 a.m. Arizona timeProfessional Admission Orientation RSVPs open in eSMS
January 22nd at 5:00 pm Arizona timeProfessional Admissions Orientation and Major Breakout Sessions, Day 1
January 23rd at 5:00 pm Arizona timeProfessional Admissions Orientation and Major Breakout Sessions, Day 2
Starting January 22nd at 5:00 pm

ASAP: Complete the Application Online in eSMS: The Application must be completed online to schedule mandatory advising appointment.

Anyone can access the Application online through eSMS to apply for Professional Admissions. If there are issues, please reach out to Alexis Wright at

January 27th - February 7th  

Attend Mandatory Professional Admissions Academic Advising Appointment to confirm your eligibility. 

This can be completed in-person or virtually via Zoom. 

Applicants must submit an application online prior to scheduling the appointment. 

February 7th at 12 Noon Arizona time

Deadline for submitting an application: 

Students must submit an application online before 12:00 p.m. to start the application process and meet with an advisor for mandatory advising. 

*Late applications will not be accepted, as this process is designed to emulate a job search.

New Transfer Students must also apply for admission to the University of Arizona, as Professional Admissions is a secondary process by which a student progresses to the professional phase of the program.

February 10th at 12 Noon Arizona time

Deadline for Uploading Documents: Upload Resume and Cover Letter to eSMS application portal.  

Note:  Students who anticipate a scheduling conflict must also upload the Cohort Justification to the eSMS application portal as well.  Students who submit a Cohort Justification by this time will be accommodated; after Cohorts are assigned, they will only be swapped for the most extreme situations. 

Having issues uploading your documents? Check out this step-by-step video of how to upload your documents to eSMS.

Applications will be closed by this date. It will be too late to apply on Monday, February 10th. Applications were due Friday, February 7th at 12 Noon Arizona time.

February 14th  

Professional Admission Interviews 

Modality: Virtual

February 15th 

Professional Admission Interviews

Modality: In Person, McClelland Hall

February 28th around 5:00 pm Arizona timeAdmission Decision Notifications for Applicants Sent by Email to applicants University of Arizona CatMail
Time and date are approximate and subject to change.

Eligibility Requirements

A $55 fee will be applied to all students submitting a Professional Admission application. Additionally, Beginning Fall 2023, we are transitioning to new Eller Direct Admission Model.

In order to be eligible to apply for Professional Admission in the Eller College of Management, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • GPA Requirement: Have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 on 12 or more completed graded UA units (this minimum is subject to change in future semesters). If fewer than 12 UA graded units have been completed, a Transfer GPA will be calculated using coursework from all transfer institutions attended.
    • Graded units is defined as courses in which a student has earned a grade of A, B, C, D, or E.  Courses taken as Pass/Fail do not calculate into a student's UA Cumulative GPA.  
  • Unit Requirement: Have completed a minimum of 36 units of work acceptable to The University of Arizona and be on track to complete 50 credits by the end of the semester in which applying.
  • Foundation Coursework Requirement: All applicants must be complete or in progress with the necessary Foundational Business Management Foundation Coursework. When calculating the Foundation GPA, all graded attempts at courses will be considered. All Foundation Courses must be successfully completed by the end of the regular semester in which a student applies. Students who do not pass any foundation courses which are in progress during the semester in which they apply will have their Professional Admission revoked. The following required courses must be complete or may be in progress as noted below:
    • Accounting Sequence:
      At least one complete and the other can be in progress. Acceptable courses include: 
      ACCT 200 and ACCT 210
    • Business Math and Statistics Sequence:
      At least two complete and the other can be in progress. Acceptable courses include:
      MATH 116, BNAN 276 and BNAN 277
      Note: Math 116 can be replaced with an approved Calculus course 
    • English Composition Sequence: 
      The final course in the sequence must be complete or in progress in order to be eligible to apply. Acceptable course sequences include: 
      ENGL 101 and ENGL 102 OR
      ENGL 101A and ENGL 102 OR
      ENGL 107 and ENGL 108 OR
      ENGL 106, ENGL 107 and ENGL 108 OR
      ENGL 109H
    • Economics Sequence:
      Course(s) can be complete or in progress. Acceptable course(s) include:
      ECON 200 OR
      ECON 201A and ECON 201B
    • Management Information Systems Course(s):
      Courses can be complete or in progress. Acceptable courses include:
      MIS 111 with MIS 111L OR MIS 111 with MIS 112 (if completing Fall 2018 or later)
      MIS 111L is required for students who entered the UA in Fall 2012 or later (MIS 112 for students who enter the UA Fall 2018 or later). 
      Arizona transfer students, please speak with an advisor for more information.
    • Business Communication Course:
      Course is typically in progress the semester in which applying for Professional Admissions.
      BCOM 214
      Students transferring directly into the upper division, who do not have a BCOM 214 equivalent completed, will be required to take BCOM 315 before graduation instead.
    • BNAN 225: Students interested in applying for the Business Analytics Major (BNAN) must be enrolled in or have BNAN 225 completed. It is a pre-requisite course for the upper division BNAN Major coursework. 
  • Academic Eligibility: Students must have an Academic Eligibility status (UA GPA of 2.0 or higher) at the UA in order to be eligible to start the cohort. Students may not start the upper-division cohort on Academic Warning or Academic Probation (UA GPA below 2.0).

All students entering the Professional Program must possess a high level of language proficiency (speaking, writing, listening and reading) and a high level of interpersonal competency for success and satisfaction. To achieve this, the following language-proficiency policy is in place.

To demonstrate receptive language proficiency (reading and listening), all International applicants (those who were admitted to The University of Arizona as an International student) must submit at least one of the following official proofs of high-level of English proficiency. Students must have completed this requirement and the official scores must be displayed in UAccess at the time of application:

  • TOEFL score of at least 79 iBT (internet Based Test)
  • IELTS score of at least 6.5 
  • CESL endorsement from level 8 or 9 in CESL's University Track prior to UA matriculation
  • SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing at least 580 or ACT English at least 21 upon admission to the UA
  • CEPT Full Test score of at least 110 (See more information below regarding UA CEPT test)
  • Duolingo score of at least 105


  • Transfer Students (who have earned less than 12 UA graded credits) may apply for Professional Admission during their last semester at their Community College even if they have not been officially accepted to The University of Arizona. The University of Arizona application must be in progress at the time of application. 
    • Graded units are defined as courses in which a student has earned a grade of A, B, C, D, or E.  Courses taken as Pass/Fail do not calculate into a student's UA Cumulative GPA. 
  • All attempted transferable credits at all institutions of enrollment will be considered when calculating a Transfer GPA. To be eligible to apply, Transfer Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 Transfer GPA.
  • Please review the foundation courses offered through Arizona's Community Colleges under Admissions for Transfer Students.

The Admission With Excellence initiative was designed to recognize the academic efforts of all high-achieving Eller Foundational Business Management students and support them in their Professional Development during their time at the University of Arizona as they prepare for future career opportunities.

Effective in Fall 2024 for the Professional Admission Application process for all students who enter in Summer 2023 and beyond will qualify for Admission with Excellence if they:

  • Maintain a minimum 3.75 Cumulative GPA at the time of application, based on a minimum of 12 graded credits at The University of Arizona
    • Graded units are defined as courses in which a student has earned a grade of A, B, C, D, or E.  Courses taken as Pass/Fail do not calculate into a student's UA Cumulative GPA.  
  • Maintain a minimum 3.75 Foundation GPA at the time of application

Students who meet the above criteria for Admission with Excellence will be guaranteed:

  • Professional Admission to the Eller College
  • First choice of major
    • AWE students are only guaranteed the Business Analytics major if students take BNAN 225, as it is a pre-requisite course. Business Analytics is a new BSBA major set to be rolled out for students applying in Spring 2025 to begin the upper division in Fall 2025. 
  • Professional Admission interview by someone in their field of interest

Students who believe that they meet the requirements for Admission With Excellence should attend the AWE Professional Admission Orientation, submit the online application through eSMS and then meet with an Academic Advisor. The Professional Admission timeline and process will look slightly different for students who meet the qualifications for Admission With Excellence. More information will be shared at the required advising appointment (following submission of the online application through eSMS). Although admission to the Eller College is guaranteed for Admission With Excellence applicants, each student is still expected to meet all stated deadlines and requirements throughout the Professional Admission process.

Application Process

The Professional Admission process for entry into the majors within the Eller College of Management requires the following steps:

  1. Meet all eligibility requirements. 
  2. Attend virtual Professional Admission Orientation. 
  3. Submit the Application online. You must first submit the online application in order to schedule your advising appointment. 
    1. Anyone can access the Application online through eSMS to apply for Professional Admissions. If there are issues, please reach out to Alexis Wright at
    2. Late applications will not be accepted, as this process is designed to emulate a job search. Applications close at 12 Noon on Friday, February 7th.  
  4. Attend a mandatory academic advising appointment with an academic advisor. Advising appointments will be conducted via Zoom or in-person.  
  5. Upload your required materials to your eSMS Application Portal online by the required deadline (late uploads will not be accepted):
    - Cover Letter: explains reason for pursuing chosen major, as well as personal accomplishments and career goals
    Resume: highlights your experiences and accomplishments; remember to save as a PDF and LastName_FirstName.
    - Cohort Justification:  Students who submit a Cohort Justification by this time will be accommodated; after Cohorts are assigned, they will only be swapped for the most extreme situations. 
    1. Having issues uploading your documents? Check out this step-by-step video of how to upload your documents to eSMS. 
  6. Participate in a Professional Admission Interview. Interviews will be scheduled during the mandatory advising appointment. 

During the Application period, the admission process and timeline is slightly different for those students who qualify for Admission With Excellence. Students who believe they meet the qualifications for Admission With Excellence should attend the AWE Professional Admission Orientation Session and consult with their advisor

Important Notes

All students meeting the minimum eligibility requirements are guaranteed the opportunity to continue to the professional phase of the Business Management major. All other majors, other than Business Management, are still competitive and selective, and not guaranteed. All students are expected to complete application steps for professional development competencies.

Students have a maximum of two attempts at application to the Professional Program. This includes instances of students not being admitted, loss of admission due to not completing all eligibility requirements, declining admission prior to starting the cohort or dropping all classes during the first semester of the cohort. The process does not allow for deferment of admission. Students studying abroad the semester before starting the Professional Program will submit their application in absentia.

Students are conditionally admitted to both the College and the individual major. The Eller College is committed to admitting a talented class to our cohort every semester. As such, admission to the college is based on both demands for the college and individual majors. Students will not be permitted to apply to change the major to which they were admitted until the end of their first semester of the cohort. Students are encouraged to research their major choice carefully before submitting their completed application.

Students are conditionally admitted to the College based on the following areas:

  • All remaining Foundation courses must be successfully completed with a passing (or transferable) grade at the end of the regular semester in which you are applying.
  • A total of 50 units must be completed at the end of the semester in which you are applying.
  • Students must demonstrate professional competencies in the areas of a cover letter, resume, and interview.  Admitted students who score below a level determined to be satisfactory will be required to attend a Professional Development Competency Workshop and complete any supporting assignments. Students who do not meet the competency requirements will be revoked and the applicant must re-apply for Professional Admission in a future semester.
  • Students must be in Good Academic Standing with a 2.0 (or higher) GPA in order to start the professional program.

Whether you need help on your cover letter, resume and interview skills, you are encouraged to use the resources that the Professional Development Center offers.

Professional Admissions Orientation

Eller College Professional Admission orientation is mandatory for all Eller College students applying for Professional Admission.

Students are expected to be in attendance at one of the orientation sessions listed below. Please note that there are additional information sessions for special populations, as well. The RSVPs will open through eSMS on the second day of the semester.
Dates, times and location are subject to change.

Casual Attire is appropriate for all Professional Admission Orientation sessions.

  • Foundational Business Management Students and Transfer Students:  
    Attend the Professional Admission Orientation and Major Breakout Sessions prior to starting the online application.  
    • Wednesday, January 22nd, 5:00 p.m. Arizona time
    • Thursday, January 23rd, 5:00 p.m. Arizona time
    • Modality: Zoom 

  • New and Incoming Transfer Students
    • Attend an Orientation Session to learn more about the unique differences for Transfer students. 
      • Thursday, January 23rd at 4:00 p.m. Arizona time
      • Modality: Zoom 
    • New Transfer Students must also apply for admission to the University of Arizona, as Professional Admissions is a secondary process by which a student progresses to the professional phase of the program.

The RSVPs will open on the second day of the Spring 2025 semester. Casual attire is appropriate for attending an Orientation Session.

RSVP for the general Orientation Session through eSMS.

  • Navigate to the "RSVP" option across the top menu, select the department as "Eller Undergraduate Programs", and the type "Professional Admissions" to search.

Transfer Orientation Session (No RSVP required)

  • If you are a new/incoming transfer student applying for Professional Admission based upon your transfer GPA.
  • Transfer Orientation Session is Thursday, January 23rd at 4 p.m. followed by the Professional Admission General Orientation beginning at 5 p.m.
  • Modality: Zoom
  • If you have questions, please contact Amy Heller-Setsoafia, Eller Undergraduate academic advisor.


Program Options

There are four cohort options to which students can apply:

Students will complete their cohort in the regular fall/spring semesters. Courses are available during the day. Majors available in this cohort include Accounting, Business Analytics (first available during Spring 2025 application period), Business Economics, Business Management, Finance, Management Information Systems (MIS), Marketing, and Operations & Supply Chain Management.  

At the point of Professional Admission, students will be randomly assigned to either the "Sage Cohort," "Copper Cohort" or the "Silver Cohort", which will determine the scheduling of their first semester cohort classes.  Students who have concerns about time conflicts should speak with an advisor during the application process.  Students will also need to submit appropriate documentation of their time conflict as part of the submission of their hard-copy materials (with full name and SID).  All requests will be considered, but we cannot guarantee that all students will be accommodated.  After Cohorts are assigned, they will only be swapped for the most extreme situations.  Some examples of proof of time conflicts include but are not limited to:

  • Letter from employer detailing work schedule 
  • Letter from childcare provider indicating hours of accommodation
  • Any other documentation that demonstrates your need 
  • Any students needing accommodations due to health concerns should contact Alexis Wright to determine appropriate next steps

Cohorting assignments were included in decision emails sent on Friday, February 28th. At this time, only extenuating circumstances will be reviewed for a cohort swap due to capacity constraints. Swap requests will not be reviewed until the end of the Spring 2025 semester. If you have questions, please reach out to Alexis Wright.

Students will complete their first semester core upper-division courses over the Summer in another country, accompanied by Eller staff and faculty. Majors available in this cohort include Accounting, Business Analytics (first available during Spring 2025 application period), Business Economics, Business Management, Finance, Management Information Systems (MIS), Marketing, and Operations & Supply Chain Management. Students are eligible to start the Eller Global Cohort program in Summer only and must be applying for Professional Admissions in a Spring semester. The Global Cohort is designed to accelerate student’s first semester core upper-division coursework over the Summer, as well as enhancing their global perspectives. Upon successful completion of the Global Cohort program, students will be integrated into the Traditional Cohort for the Fall semester. Please review the Eller Global Cohort program page to determine if the program is right for you.

Students will complete their upper-division courses fully online. Business Administration and Accounting are the only majors available in the online program, but several (optional) Eller certificates are also available. Students are eligible to start the Eller Online Undergraduate program in fall, spring or summer. The Online Cohort is designed to be completed in four semesters, with 12 credits per semester. 

Students will complete their upper-division courses through the Bachelors of Arts in Economics in the Eller College of Management. Students are required to complete a minor, which can be through the Eller College or any other minor. 

Criteria Considered

All students meeting the minimum eligibility requirements are guaranteed the opportunity to continue to the professional phase of the Business Management major. All other majors, other than Business Management, are still competitive and selective, and not guaranteed. All students are expected to complete application steps for professional development competencies.

The Eller College Professional Program seeks students with intellectual and interpersonal abilities that will contribute to the Eller College's academic and co-curricular programs, as well as those students who demonstrate strong leadership potential and have a high potential for success in the professional management field. The admission process is competitive and selective. Candidates are evaluated in the following areas:

  • Cumulative UA GPA
    • Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 GPA in order to be eligible to apply. A Transfer GPA will be calculated for all transfer students who have earned less than 12 credits at UA.
  • Foundational Business Management Foundation GPA
    • Performance in Foundation Business Management Foundation courses is competitive and includes all previous attempts at coursework.
    • The calculation of the foundation course GPA does include grades from transferred coursework, although these grades do not affect the UA cumulative GPA.
  • Cover Letter, Resume, and Interview
    • Candidates are encouraged to demonstrate leadership, work experience, community service and involvement in co-curricular activities
    • Remember to save your documents as a PDF; and save your Resume as LastName_FirstName.
    • Students are encouraged to utilize resources and Career Coaching offered through the Eller Professional Development Center
    • Having issues uploading your documents? Check out this step-by-step video of how to upload your documents to eSMS. 

Students entering the Professional Program must possess a high level of language proficiency (speaking, writing, listening and reading) and a high level of interpersonal competency for success and satisfaction in not only the academic environment but also in today’s global business environments (see eligibility requirements for more information).

One of our goals is a diverse student body. Among equally qualified applicants, preference will be given to U.S. citizens and others who are otherwise qualified to hold permanent employment in the U.S.

Students must begin the professional program in the semester for which they apply. Professional admission status cannot be deferred to a future semester. All foundational business coursework must be completed by the end of the regular semester in which students apply. 

The Final Application Period was implemented at the start of Direct Admission in Fall 2023. Based on capacity issues, we are no longer able to offer a Final Application Period at this time. We reserve the right to reinstate the process in future semesters. 

Applicants for the Eller Online Undergraduate cohort will go through a slightly different application process.

Major Selection

Each department admits as many students as possible, filling to capacity. The Major Selection for each discipline is selected by the following: 

  • Cumulative GPA
  • Foundation GPA 
  • Combination score of Cover Letter, Resume, and Interview

Where possible, students are prompted to indicate their top 3 choices of major. The Eller Undergraduate Programs Office works to accommodate students in 1 of their 3 top choices. In rare cases, students are accommodated in the remaining majors with capacity to do so.

Students admitted to alternate majors are provided with the following options:

  • Transition into the assigned major, recognizing many disciplines have similar career outcomes. Check out 'What Can I Do With My Major?' for helpful information. 
    • Consider supplementing the admitted major with an Eller Certificate Program or Graduate Program. Meet with your advisor to talk through your options.
  • Begin the assigned major and apply to add or change your primary major in the 1st or 2nd semester of the upper division. As a note, the opportunity to add or change a major is dependent upon the space from the Professional Admissions Application cycle within that semester. 
  • Decline admission and reapply for Professional Admission in a future semester, keeping in mind, students have 2 chances to apply. 
    • Historically, higher percentages of students are admitted to their preferred choice of major in fall application periods, with the intention to begin the following spring. 
    • Connect with your advisor to explore alternative options for fall enrollment.

Application Fee

A $55 fee will be applied to all eligible students submitting a Professional Admissions applicationThe fee will be charged to the Bursar Account of all UA students. Transfer students who do not have a UA Bursar Account must pay the fee with a credit card when they submit their application.

Applicants for the Eller Online Undergraduate Cohort will be assessed the $55 fee at the time of enrollment.