PREMIER: A First Year Honorary Experience

PREMIER: A first year Honorary Experience

PREMIER is an exclusive opportunity for Eller first year students to develop professionally, obtain new business and leadership skills, and network with peers. 

PREMIER is held in the spring semester and meets once weekly, and consists of a series of workshops and activities facilitated by Eller staff and students. The activities in PREMIER engage students and challenge them to explore their leadership and professionalism. PREMIER focuses on learning competencies that the top employers of Eller graduates value the most in their new hires: leadership, communication, collaboration, analytical skills, technical skills and experience. These activities are hands-on and highly collaborative, leading up to a case competition among PREMIER students. In this way, the first year students that participate in PREMIER are accelerating the trajectory of their leadership, engagement, and professional development in their time in the Eller College. 

Meetings will take place on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. (Arizona Time) so please schedule your classes accordingly for Spring 2024. 

Who Should Join PREMIER?

First Year foundational Business Management and Economics students who are seeking involvement, leadership opportunities, and to grow through hands on learning should apply to be part of the PREMIER cohort.

Our stakeholders are the PREMIER students who will be able to:

  • Identify within an Eller foundational community
  • Demonstrate commitment to an education at the University of Arizona
  • Apply foundational professional skills to a real-life case study
  • Learn skills of leadership, communication, collaboration, analytics, technical skills and experience

Membership Requirements

  • UA foundational Business Management and Economics first year students 
  • Experience fee once accepted into the program: $60 for a in-person experience fee 
    • Scholarships are available for students with financial need.  Please contact Veronica Atondo
  • Must attend at least 80 percent of meetings


PREMIER Alumni Council


PREMIER Alumni Council Members


  • Risha Nayee (Finance)
  • Kendall Dale (Finance)
  • Raena Bhalla (Business Management) 


  • Mary Boetcher (Marketing)
  • Sarah Ongley (Finance)
  • Abbie Thomas (Marketing, Business Economics)
  • Ariel Tobiasson (Finance)
  • Molly Peebles (Accounting)
  • Maggie Chipley (Business Economics)
  • Josh Bissenden (Finance)
  • Ryan Harris (Finance)
  • Sasha Sanderson (Accounting, Spanish)


  • Mia Alexander (Foundational Business Management)
  • Luke Beaumont (Foundational Business Management)
  • Peyton Boice (Foundational Business Management)
  • Marina Brown (Foundational Business Management)
  • Grant Hastings (Foundational Business Management)
  • Ronick Kahlon (Foundational Business Management)
  • Reagan Messner (Foundational Business Management)
  • Taylor Mohr (Foundational Business Management)
  • Sally Mondry (Foundational Business Management)
  • Annika Solanky (Foundational Business Management)
  • Owen Such (Foundational Business Management)

Application Process

Start your PREMIER First Year Honorary Experience by completing the application below by the priority deadline of November 15, 2024.  Rolling applications will be considered through December 6, 2024.

  • A member of the PREMIER Alumni Council will contact you regarding next steps for the experience.
  • Those selected will be notified by email and instructed to submit their experience fee to confirm their acceptance.  Fees are due December 6, 2024 to confirm their spot in PREMIER.