Marketing PhD Plan of Study

Marketing PhD Plan of Study

Degree Requirements

The Marketing doctoral program is interdisciplinary in nature and draws heavily from the fields of psychology, economics, management, sociology and other behavioral sciences. A summary of the basic requirements and expectations appears below.

For a complete overview of the Doctor of Philosophy, please see the UA Graduate Catalog.


  • 36 units of credit in the major field
  • 9 units of credit in the minor field
  • 18 units of dissertation credit
  • Research papers and presentations
  • Comprehensive exams

Additionally, students must:

  • Meet all requirements in a 10-year period (majority finish in five years)
  • Complete at least six semesters of full-time graduate study

Financial Aid

Research Associateships

The vast majority of admitted PhD students are offered a research/teaching associateship, which comes with a stipend. Students are typically hired to work 20 hours per week with assigned faculty as research and teaching associates. The benefits of the associateships include a waiver of out-of-state tuition and 90 percent waiver of in-state tuition as well as free health insurance.

The few exceptions to this rule involve applicants who are paid by their governments, the military or an external fellowship agency.

Note: Admission decisions are based on the quality of the applicant, not preexisting funding sources.

Additional Support

Students can apply for departmental grants for travel, research support and dissertation support. Limits vary and are on a case-by-case basis depending on availability.

For information about financial aid, visit The University of Arizona Graduate College.