Management and Organizations Research
Faculty Research at the Department of Management and Organizations
The Department of Management and Organizations conducts transformative research on leadership, strategy, ethics, decision making, healthcare management, organizations and more. Recent faculty research has appeared or is forthcoming in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organizational Science, Strategic Management Journal and others.

Top-ranked faculty research productivity
According to recent analysis by Texas A&M University and the University of Georgia, Eller's Department of Management and Organizations is a leader among management departments in the U.S. for faculty research productivity, ranking #2 for publications/faculty.
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Management and Organizations Research Areas of Expertise
- Aleksander P.J. Ellis
- Michael Fricke
- Paul Melendez
- Jerel Slaughter
- Michael Fricke
- Barry Goldman
- Allison Lee
Select Faculty Publications
Gabriel, A.S.*, Butts, M. M.*, Chawla, N.* †, da Motta Veiga, S. P.*, Turban, D. B., & Green, J. D. (In press). Feeling positive, negative, or both? Examining the self-regulatory benefits of emotional ambivalence. Organization Science. (*equal contribution)
Doyle, SP, Pettit, NC, Kim, S†, To, C, & Lount, RB. (In press). Surging Underdogs and Slumping Favorites: How Recent Streaks and Future Expectations Drive Competitive Transgressions. Academy of Management Journal.
Hu, S., Gu, Q., & Xia, J. (In press). Problemistic search of the embedded firm: The joint influences of performance feedback and network positions on venture capital firms’ risk-taking. Organization Science.
Motro, D.†, Evans, J.B. †, Ellis, A., & Benson III, L. (in press). Race and reactions to women’s expressions of anger at work: Examining the effects of the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Kim, S†, McClean, E, Doyle, SP, Podsakoff, N, Woodruff, T, &. Lin, E. (In press). The Positive and Negative Effects of Social Status on Ratings of Voice Behavior: A Test of Opposing Structural and Psychological Pathways. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Broschak, J.P. 2021. Inter-Firm and Intra-Firm Managerial Mobility. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press. Paper here.
Broschak, J.P., Block, E.S., Koppman, S., & Adjerid, I. 2020. Will We Ever Meet Again? The Relationship between Inter-Agency Managerial Mobility and the Circulation of Client Ties. Journal of Management Studies, 57(6): 1106-1142.
Broschak, J.P. 2020. Who Benefits from Going Home? In D. Tzabbar and B. Cirillo (Eds.), Employee Inter- and Intra-Firm Mobility (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 41), pp. 289-292, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Feyereisen, Scott, Broschak, J.P., and Beth Goodrick. 2018. Understanding Professional Jurisdictional Changes in the Field of Anesthesiology. Medical Care Research and Review, 75(5): 612-632.
Slaughter, J. E., Gabriel, A. S., Ganster, M. L.†, Vaziri, H., & MacGowan, R. L.† (2021). Getting worse or getting better? Understanding the antecedents and consequences of emotion profile transitions during COVID-19-induced organizational crisis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1118-1136.
Hilligoss, B., Tanenbaum, S.J., Paul, M., Ferrari, R.M., & Song, P.H. (2021). What makes health services usable? Insights from a qualitative study of caregivers of children with disabilities. Health Care Management Review, 46(2).
Krishnan, R., Cook, K., Kozhikode, R., & Schilke, O. (2021). An interaction ritual theory of social resource exchange: evidence from a Silicon Valley accelerator. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(3), 659-710.
Gabriel, A.S. MacGowan, R.L.†, Ganster, M.L.†, & Slaughter, J.E. (2021). The influence of COVID-induced job search anxiety and conspiracy beliefs on job search effort: A within- person investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 657-673.
Kugler, T., Noussair, C.N. and Hatch. D.B. † (2021). Does Disgust Increase Unethical Behavior? A Replication of Winterich, Mittal, and Morales (2014). Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 938-945.
Shockley, K. M., Gabriel, A. S., Robertson, D., Rosen, C. C., Chawla, N.†, Ganster, M. L.†, & Ezerins, M. E. (2021). The fatiguing effects of camera use in virtual meetings: A within-person field experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(8), 1137–1155.
Zhu, Q.*, Hu, S.*, & Shen, W*. (2020). Why do some insider CEOs make more strategic changes than others? The impact of prior board experience on new CEO insiderness. Strategic Management Journal, 41(10): 1933-1951. (*equal contribution)
Chawla, N.†, MacGowan, R.L.†, Gabriel, A.S., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2020). Unplugging or staying connected? Examining the nature, antecedents, and consequences of profiles of daily recovery experiences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 19-39.
Gabriel, A. S., Koopman, J., Rosen, C. C., Arnold, J. D., & Hochwarter, W. A. (2020). Are coworkers getting into the act? An examination of emotion regulation in coworker exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 907-929.
Gabriel, A.S., Volpone, S.D., MacGowan, R.L.†, Butts, M.M., & Moran, C.M. (2020). When work and family blend together: Examining the daily experiences of breastfeeding mothers at work. Academy of Management Journal, 63, 1337-1369.
Kugler, T., Motro, D.J.†, Noussair, C. N., & Ye, B.† (2020). On trust and disgust: Evidence from face reading and virtual reality, Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 317-325.
Evans, J.B.†, Slaughter, J.E., Ellis, A., & Riven, J.M. (2019). Gender and the evaluation of humor at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104, 1077-1087.
Lount, RB, Doyle, SP, Brion, S, & Pettit, NC. (2019). Only When Others Are Watching: The Contingent Efforts of High Status Group Members. Management Science, 65(7): 3382-3397.
Melendez, P. (2019). Moral problems in management: An objective model of analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Cardella, E.† , Kugler, T., & Anderson, J. S.† , Connolly, T (2019). Is greed contagious? Four experimental studies, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32, 579-598
Hilligoss, B., Song, P.H., & McAlearney, A.S. (2019). Coping with interdependencies related to patient choice: Boundary-spanning at four accountable care organizations. Health Care Management Review, 44(2), 115-126.
Podsakoff, P.M., Podsakoff, N.P., Escue, C., & Mishra, P. (2019). Can early-career scholars conduct impactful research while trying to get tenure? Playing “small ball” vs. “swinging for the fences.” Academy of Management Learning & Education, 17, 496-531.
Schilke, O., Hu, S & Helfat, C. (2018). Quo vadis, dynamic capabilities? A content-analytic review of the current state of knowledge and recommendations for future research. Academy of Management Annals, 12(1), 390-439.
Hu, S., & Bettis, RA. (2018). Multiple organizational goals with feedback from shared technological task environments. Organization Science, 29(5): 873-889.
Spoelma, T.M.†, & Ellis, A.P.J. (2017). Fuse or fracture? Threat as a moderator of the effects of diversity faultlines in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 1344-1359.
Motro, D.†, & Ellis, A.P.J. (2017). Boys, don’t cry: Gender and reactions to negative performance feedback. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 227-235.
Christian, M. S., Garza, A. S, & Slaughter, J. E. (2011). Work engagement: A quantitative review and test of its relations with task and contextual performance. Personnel Psychology, 64, 89-136.
Groth, M., Goldman, B., Gilliland, S. & Bies, R. (2002). Commitment to legal claiming: Influences of attributions, social guidance, and organizational tenure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 781-788.
Goldman, B. (2001). Toward an understanding of employment discrimination-claiming: An integration of organizational justice and social information processing theories. Personnel Psychology, 54, 361-386.
Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.M., Lee, J., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2003). Common method variance in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 879-903.
LePine, J.A., Podsakoff, N.P., & LePine, M.A. (2005). A meta-analytic test of the challenge stressor-hindrance stressor framework: An explanation for inconsistent relationships among stressors and performance. Academy of Management Journal, 48, 764-775.
Podsakoff, N.P., Whiting, S.W., Podsakoff, P.M., & Blume, B.D. (2009). Individual- and organizational-level consequences of organizational citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 122-141.
MacKenzie, S.B., Podsakoff, P.M., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2011). Construct measurement and validation procedures in MIS and behavior research: Integrating new and existing techniques. MIS Quarterly, 35, 293-334.
Schilke, O., Reimann, M., & Cook, K.S. (2015). Power decreases trust in social exchange. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(42), 12950-12955.
Schilke, O., & Cook, K.S. (2015). Sources of alliance partner trustworthiness: integrating calculative and relational perspectives. Strategic Management Journal, 36(2), 276–297.
Schilke, O. (2014). On the contingent value of dynamic capabilities for competitive advantage: the nonlinear moderating effect of environmental dynamism. Strategic Management Journal, 35(2), 179-203.
Schilke, O., Reimann, M., & Cook, K.S. (2013). Effect of relationship experience on trust recovery following a breach. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(38), 15236-15241.
Christian, M.S., & Ellis, A.P.J. (2011). Examining the effects of sleep deprivation on workplace deviance: A self-regulatory approach. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5), 913-934.
Centers and Labs
Center for Leadership Ethics
With a focus on the three pillars of research, education and outreach, scholars with interests related to leadership ethics come together at the CLE to improve the ethical culture of organizations.
Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare
This interdisciplinary center transforms health through business solutions, with a faculty focus on research and educational interests in the healthcare world. The mission of CMIH is to bring about meaningful changes in health delivery, promotion and sustainability.
Organizational Behavior Laboratory
Both an instructional and research center, OBL fosters education and experimentation in organizational behavior and beyond. It focuses its study on the most important topics in management today, such as leadership, business ethics and the operation of groups and teams.

Center for Trust Studies
The mission of the Center for Trust Studies is to support research on trust; to develop new course materials and workshops on trust; and to disseminate findings from academic trust research to business and society